Young storks hatch in Rust

Green Austria

The first young storks hatched in the town of Rust, Burgenland (Eastern Austria). This year, 19 nests have been occupied. In almost all of them, stork babies hatched and are still hatching. 14 stork couples have been incubating their eggs. Due to the cold weather, their offspring was born ten days late, said Josef Karassowitsch […]

Injured young owl rescued

Green Austria

Pedestrians found a young long-eared owl in the castle park of Schönbrunn, Vienna. The owl was sitting on the floor and was attacked by crows. She was taken to the “owl and birds of prey institution” of Haringsee (district of Gänserndorf, Lower Austria). The pedestrians rescued the long-eared owl. The owl was examined in the […]

Baby sharks born at Aqua Terra Zoo

Green Austria

Nine bamboo sharks (or longtail carpet sharks) were born at the Aqua Terra Too in Vienna. The babies that are only ten-twelve centimetre long are now well protected in their own aquarium. The baby sharks are fed small pieces of fish, shellfish and shrimps. More babies are expected soon and several more sharks will hatch […]

Daily PE lesson: no new gyms planned


A daily physical education lesson will be introduced to Austrian full-time schools in autumn. However, additional gyms will not be built. City councillor Christian Oxonitsch (SPÖ) said that a renovation would be enough. “We guarantee a minimum of five hours of movement and sport per week for all classes in full-time schools”, said Claudia Schmied […]

Microorganisms as powerhouses for electricity storage

Green Austria

An innovative process for storing electricity generated from renewable energy sources is now market ready, a fourth patent application having been filed. The process, which was developed by Austrian company Krajete GmbH and is based on microorganisms, enables a highly efficient and environmentally friendly conversion of climate-damaging CO2 and hydrogen into – storable – methane. […]

Birth balance negative once again


The birth balance of 2012 has been negative for the first time in three years. This was due to an increase in deaths. Another trend is that women give birth to their first child when they are older. Even though more children were born last year, there was a negative balance of 484 for the […]

Football manager fined 30,000 Euro


Adi Hütter, the manager of the football team SV Scholz Grödig (Salzburg state), was sentenced to a fine of 30,000 Euros on Wednesday due to tax evasion. Mr Hütter has to pay half of the amount. The former football star from Austria Salzburg and current manager of SV Scholz Grödig is believed to have tricked […]

Holidays against burnout


The growing pressure in the working environment makes holidays even more important. This has been shown by a survey of the European Travel Insurance Company. Moreover, the search for the authentic experience as a counterbalance to the “virtual world of experience” will become more important in the future. However, the number of holidays has not […]

Salzburg coalition talks begin


A significant majority of the Green Party decided to start coalition talks with the ÖVP last evening (Wed). Negotiations about a new state government will start today. Team Stronach will also take part in the talks. The ÖVP, which got most votes in the elections of 5 May, invited the Green Party and Team Stronach […]

Tyrol lowest regional unemployment level in EU


In comparison to European regions, Tyrol and Salzburg have the lowest regional unemployment. Most unemployment occurs in the regions of Spain and Greece. Tyrol and Salzburg registered an unemployment rate 2.5 percent each in 2012. This was followed by four regions in Germany with 2.7 and 2.9 percent. Upper Austria and Styria are also among […]