Salzburg coalition talks begin

A significant majority of the Green Party decided to start coalition talks with the ÖVP last evening (Wed). Negotiations about a new state government will start today. Team Stronach will also take part in the talks.

The ÖVP, which got most votes in the elections of 5 May, invited the Green Party and Team Stronach to official negotiations.

The ÖVP party executive committee advocated this option unanimously on Tuesday night. The Green party agreed to join a coalition of three last night.

Astrid Rössler, the head of the Salzburg Green Party stated that it would need to be clarified whether a participation of Team Stronach is possible.

Team Stronach signalized immediately after the election that the party would like to join a new government. It remains unclear how long the negotiations will take.

Apparently, Wilfried Haslauer, head of the ÖVP Salzburg, wants to establish a new government as soon as possible. Coalition talks are planned for Thursday, Friday and Saturday and next week from Monday to Saturday.

There will only be a break next Thursday, which is a national holiday. The schedule of the negotiations will be determined today.

If the pursued coalition is accomplished, the SPÖ will be in the opposition for the first time after World War II.