Injured young owl rescued

Green Austria

Pedestrians found a young long-eared owl in the castle park of Schönbrunn, Vienna. The owl was sitting on the floor and was attacked by crows. She was taken to the “owl and birds of prey institution” of Haringsee (district of Gänserndorf, Lower Austria). The pedestrians rescued the long-eared owl. The owl was examined in the […]

Salzburg coalition talks begin


A significant majority of the Green Party decided to start coalition talks with the ÖVP last evening (Wed). Negotiations about a new state government will start today. Team Stronach will also take part in the talks. The ÖVP, which got most votes in the elections of 5 May, invited the Green Party and Team Stronach […]

One million Austrians have a drink problem


Around one million people in Austria consume too much alcohol. The initiative “Alkohol ohne Schatten” (Alcohol without Shadows) criticises that the extensive medical treatment is not enough rewarded. Michael Musalek, medical head of the Anton Proksch Institute and founder of the initiative said: “Alcohol is part of our society. Therfore, we have to learn how […]

Linz swap deal row moves to next stage


A special supervisory committee held another meeting about the swap business in Linz, which has made high losses. They discussed a guide for the next meetings. The committee will continue to meet for the foreseeable future. In 2007, the city of Linz concluded a form of a rate-interest bet in order to secure an expiring […]

Many people want a flat with a terrace


A survey shows that 95 percent of all people looking for a property in Austria wish to have a free space such as a balcony, a terrace or a garden in front of their next property. The real estate platform asked 750 people in an online survey in March. 64 percent of Austrians, who […]

Referendum: the Olympic issue


The referendum “Wien will’s wissen” will take place from 7 to 9 March 2013. Residents from Vienna can answer four questions, including the issue whether Vienna should apply for the Olympics in 2028. Political parties have commented on the topic. Mayor Michael Häupl (SPÖ) stated that the Olympics would animate young people to do sports […]

Ice cream parlour killer jailed for life

General News

The ice cream parlour owner who killed her husband and then her lover and buried them under concrete in a cellar has been found guilty of double murder, and jailed for life in a secure psychiatric institute. The jury at the court in Vienna took three hours to decide whether Estibaliz Carranza, 34, was really […]

Runaway Lynx found killed by a train

General News

A wild lynx that escaped in spring after a small landslide from a hill around its enclosure demolished a wall has been discovered run over by a train. Keepers have spent months setting up traps around the Mautern adventure Park near Salzburg in Austria without any sign of the eight-year-old female wildcat named “Hera”. Officials […]

Dream of a new life ends in hospital

General News

A young couple from Vienna who were planning to start a new life in Germany are now fighting for their lives in hospital after a car accident while they were out celebrating with friends in Hamburg at the weekend. The two were only named named by local police as Marie-Thérèse H. (25) and Florian R. […]

Artist sparks police murder hunt

General News

An Austrian concept artist sparked an Interpol murder hunt when chilling photographs she’d taken of of herself posing as a corpse were sent to the police by film printers. Sigrid Fleckseder and partner Christian Thomas had taken the realistic snaps showing her apparently dead on a river bank with ripped clothing as part of a […]