Regional airline Air Alps is to be liquidated


The regional airline Air Alps is to be liquidated. In November flights between Bolzano and Rome were cancelled. Since then they have been trying to attract an investor but this has not been possible the airline announced today. The Austria South Tyrol regional airline is head quartered in Innsbruck, Austria. Over the past months there […]

Smartphones are a work trap


Trade unions are warning of the blurred line between work and leisure time as an increasing number of workers read and answer official emails in their free time using their smartphone or PC-tablet. And say trade union bosses, not only is the out of work hours spent on work-related activity unpaid, it’s also unhealthy leading […]

AKH hospital under fire over costs


Due to a non-transparent personnel structure, high absences of employees and exploding costs, the administration of the Vienna General Hospital (AKH) is not efficient, an audit court report stated. The audit report, which has been confidential up to now, will become the most important issue at the city senate meeting next week. The existing shortcomings […]

Linz swap deal row moves to next stage


A special supervisory committee held another meeting about the swap business in Linz, which has made high losses. They discussed a guide for the next meetings. The committee will continue to meet for the foreseeable future. In 2007, the city of Linz concluded a form of a rate-interest bet in order to secure an expiring […]

Jacobs roasting plant leaves Vienna

General News

By Rachael Williams A total of 35 jobs will be slashed when Kraft Foods Austria, soon to be known as Mondolez, transfers its premises from the Austrian capital of Vienna to a new plant in Germany in 2013. Trade unions have criticised the move as the first consequence of the intra-group split that happened in […]

AUA under pressure as pilots quit


The number of pilots and stewardesses leaving Austrian Airlines (AUA) because of the upcoming pay cuts is on the rise. The works council announced yesterday (Tues) that 110 pilots and 200 stewards and stewardesses quit in the past weeks. They did so to evade the enforced salary cuts, according to staff representatives. Final figures for […]

AUA accord possible despite contract reform


Austrian Airlines (AUA) chiefs and works committee officials are fighting for a consensual solution regarding the planned austerity measures. Lufthansa, which owns AUA since 2009, wants the Viennese aviation company to achieve savings of 220 million Euros this year following last year’s losses of almost 60 million Euros. The AUA supervisory board decided last week […]

Hundstorfer ready to reduce working week


The Social Democrats (SPÖ) plan an initiative for shorter working weeks. SPÖ Labour Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer said yesterday (Tues) he would appreciate a reduction of the general working volume from 40 to 38.5 hours. Hundstorfer claimed such a reform could help keeping elderly labourers and employees in work longer. He argued that lowering people’s average […]

AUA announces austerity package details


Austrian Airlines (AUA) has confirmed plans to freeze staff’s wages. Speculations about which measures new AUA chief Jaan Albrecht has in mind as part of his cost reduction strategy have made the rounds for some weeks. Now a spokesman for the company disclosed that the plan was to abolish terms in contracts which guaranteed employees […]

ÖVAG ‘to lay off 500’


Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) will sack hundreds of employees in the coming two and a half years, according to a report. The Kurier claims today (Weds) that the struggling bank plans to dismiss 500 of its staff in Austria. This would mean that the bank – which did not comment on the report – would lay […]