Smartphones are a work trap


Trade unions are warning of the blurred line between work and leisure time as an increasing number of workers read and answer official emails in their free time using their smartphone or PC-tablet. And say trade union bosses, not only is the out of work hours spent on work-related activity unpaid, it’s also unhealthy leading […]

Fritzl cellar party claims ‘disgraceful and insane’

General News

Amstetten’s Social Democratic (SPÖ) Mayor Herbert Katzengruber has branded reports that teens are regularly going gown into the cellar dungeon built by Josef Fritzl “idiotic lies”.Referring to articles in British newspapers, Katzengruber said today (Fri): “Can our society sink to any further depths? In which world are we living? I’m deeply shocked.”The politician said the […]

Rotten corpse found in flat

General News

Police are investigating after finding a decayed corpse in an apartment on Saturday.The body was discovered after a police station in Vienna received an e-mail saying: “Please take care of my mother’s body.”Johanna B. from Pforzheim in Germany was found lying under a blanket in an apartment in Vienna-Brigittenau. Investigators discovered forged documents in the […]

Neckermann struggles as Quelle relaunch ahead


Mail order company Neckermann Versand Österreich AG suffered losses of more than eight million Euros last year, according to reports from today (Weds).Viennese newspaper Der Standard claims the firm – a subsidiary of German mail order giant Neckermann – also suffered a four million Euro year on year decline in turnover to 84 million Euros […]

Praline not poisoned, threatened mayor is told

General News

A praline placed at the front door of a mayor’s house was not poisoned, examinations have shown.People’s Party (ÖVP) Rüstorf Mayor Pauline Sterrer informed police after discovering the chocolate delicacy earlier this month. Sterrer started getting threatening letters around two years ago, and the discovery of the praline triggered memories of the fate of a […]