Fiddlers caught with stolen violin

General News

A valuable violin that was stolen from its Australian musician owner as she travelled on the Vienna Underground has been recovered after police arrested a gang of crooks at the weekend. The violin estimated to be worth 44,000 euros was the property of the Australian violinist Emma West, who said that she thought she would […]

Another underage teenager freed in red light raid

General News

Police in Klagenfurt arrested a 15-year-old Romanian girl who was a victim of forced prostitution after a series of raids on the red light scene in the city. Police said that the teenager had been forced into prostitution and was severely traumatised by her ordeal. But they said that the girl had managed to get […]

Flopped bank robbery in Upper Austria

General News

Five would-be bank robbers were arrested after courageous clerks challenged them.Staff at the branch in Oberwang, Upper Austria, got involved in a scuffle with the gang, police said today (Fri) about yesterday’s failed robbery.The wannabe bank robbers aged between 17 and 24 – were caught a few minutes after the incident only a few kilometres […]

Cash transport robbery in Vienna

General News

Armed robbers made off with hundreds of thousands of Euros when they attacked a money transporter crew last night (Thurs/Fri).The incident occurred in Vienna around 1am. The exact sum cash the trio escaped with is still unclear, according to police. Newspapers, however, speculate that the criminals – who were armed with guns – managed to […]

Fritzl cellar party claims ‘disgraceful and insane’

General News

Amstetten’s Social Democratic (SPÖ) Mayor Herbert Katzengruber has branded reports that teens are regularly going gown into the cellar dungeon built by Josef Fritzl “idiotic lies”.Referring to articles in British newspapers, Katzengruber said today (Fri): “Can our society sink to any further depths? In which world are we living? I’m deeply shocked.”The politician said the […]

Fashionista burglars snatch outfits worth €200,000

General News

Burglars nicked 200,000 Euros worth of clothes from a shop in Vöcklabruck, leaving less valuable items, police have announced.Upper Austrian authorities said today (Tues) that the gang escaped with hundreds of items of pricey designer outfits for women from Italy and France. They said the criminals seemed to have known what they were looking for […]

Klagenfurt police arrest four heroin dealers

General News

Police said drug dealers they had arrested on the weekend had earned more than 600,000 Euros selling heroin during the past 11 months.Investigators in Klagenfurt announced today (Mon) the four-member all-male gang aged 19 to 22 had been taken into custody and 1.8 kilograms of heroin had been confiscated.Police found out the gang – who […]

Austrian kidnap victim found dead in Venezuela

General News

A young Austrian has become the victim of a ruthless kidnapping gang in Venezuela.Amadeus Michael Novak-Ferrari from Graz, Styria, had been missing since 13 April. Now police have found his decaying corpse near Santa Lucia.Novak-Ferrari was working at his grandfather’s glass fibre factory and planned to return to Austria to do his six-month mandatory military […]

Judo champ teen scares off gang in Graz

General News

Five teenage would-be muggers did a runner after their judo champion victim proved his skills when they tried taking his mobile.The gang fled as the boy, 15, punched one of the attackers in the face in the after-school incident in Graz yesterday (Weds).The unharmed teenager then went to the next police station to report the […]

Video game thieves nabbed

General News

Two men and a woman who stole 105 video games from Metro stores have been arrested.The two men, aged 47 and 58, and the woman, 42, had used counterfeit or illegally obtained keys to open locked display cases at the stores and take the video games, worth 10,000 Euros, on 24 and 25 March in […]