Climber Sepp Mayerl dead after cliff plunge

General News

One of the world’s top mountain climbers Sepp Mayerl, 75, who refused to give up his passion for the sport has died after falling off the north face of the Adlerwand in the Dolomites at Lienz in the Austrian East Tyrol. He was travelling with a pal and the pair had planned to climb to […]

Another underage teenager freed in red light raid

General News

Police in Klagenfurt arrested a 15-year-old Romanian girl who was a victim of forced prostitution after a series of raids on the red light scene in the city. Police said that the teenager had been forced into prostitution and was severely traumatised by her ordeal. But they said that the girl had managed to get […]

Woman threatens patients with a knife

General News

 A woman went on a rampage through a hospital in Linz, Austria, yesterday (Tues) with a 15 centimetre knife. Police were immediately called to the scene and prevented any bloodshed. At around 12.15pm police were notified of the woman’s attack. “The woman suddenly jumped out, revealed a knife threatened everyone in the waiting room with […]

Dutch motorcyclist dies in Tyrol

General News

A Dutch biker died after falling down a 30-metre roadside embankment.The man was already dead when an ambulance reached the accident scene at a main road near Reutte in Tyrol yesterday (Thurs). Officials said today the 51-year-old may have missed that the road was taking a bend to the left after a tunnel. They did […]