Jihad Girls Gunpoint Retraction Of Desire To Go Home

General News

Austrian anti-terrorism police believe that an interview given to a French magazine allegedly with one of the two teenage girls who fled to Syria to join in the jihad was probably carried out at gunpoint. Earlier in the month based on conversations the girls had with parents and friends it was revealed that they regretted […]

Vienna Jihad Girls Want To Come Home

General News

The two Austrian teenage girls who became ‘poster girls’ for the jihad in Syria are now desperate to come home after getting completely disillusioned with their new lifestyles. Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, who grew up in the Austrian capital Vienna and enjoyed the freedom to wear whatever they wanted, and […]

Viennese Jihad Girl May Have Been Killed

General News

Austrian police say that one of the two attractive young teenage girls who fled the country to go to Syria to fight on the side of Islamic rebels may have been killed. Last week it was revealed that the girls’ flight from their families in the Austrian capital Vienna to Syria had made them an […]

Police release image of bald hair thief

General News

Austrian police have issued a photo of a bald man who has been cutting the hair from young girls before running off with his trophy. The attacks have mostly taken place in Feldbach in Styria, Austria, where the hair cutter has been carrying out his hair raising activities for more than 20 years. In the […]

School dropouts on the rise


Austrian School officials say that across-the-board there is an increase in the number of pupils dropping out of further and higher education – and that of the dropouts there are more boys than girls. In general girls also perform better on the same assignments at school than boys, according to the latest research just published. […]

Another underage teenager freed in red light raid

General News

Police in Klagenfurt arrested a 15-year-old Romanian girl who was a victim of forced prostitution after a series of raids on the red light scene in the city. Police said that the teenager had been forced into prostitution and was severely traumatised by her ordeal. But they said that the girl had managed to get […]

Drunken teens caught breaking into sports shop

General News

Four Upper Austrian teenagers are facing youth crime charges for stealing dozens of bottles of schnapps and sweets from a snack bar in Linz last night (Weds/Thurs).The gang of four aged between 15 and 17 were caught trying to break into a sports equipment shop in the city after the store’s alarm went off. They […]

Teen accused of break-in spree

General News

A Lower Austrian teenager is suspected of being behind a series of burglaries.The 16-year-old was put in preventive detention this morning (Thurs) following months of police investigations.Officials in Amstetten district announced the teen – who faces youth crime charges – was accused of being responsible for 28 break-ins in the area causing overall damages of […]

Monovular triplets born in Klagenfurt

General News

A Carinthian woman has given birth to monovular triplets, it has emerged.Doctors at the Klinikum Klagenfurt hospital said today (Weds) the overjoyed mum and her girls were doing fine after last Friday’s birth. They stressed that the chances of give birth to single egg triplets was one in 200 million.A spokesman for the clinic said […]

Child molester brought to justice after 26 years

General News

A pensioner who sexually molested two girls aged nine and 11 has been sentenced to 3.5 years in prison, by Klagenfurt provincial court.The court heard yesterday (Thurs) how the 71-year-old man, who had already been convicted four times of sexual molestation, lured the girls to his bedroom in 1984 by offering them gifts.After the crime, […]