How An Austrian Park Every Year Becomes A Lake

General News

Spectacular images that show how a park becomes a lake each spring complete with underwater trees have been captured by two divers. The snaps were taken at the Gruener See, or Green Lake as it is called in English, located in the southern Austrian province of Styria. During the winter months the lake, located near […]

Vienna Jihad Girls Want To Come Home

General News

The two Austrian teenage girls who became ‘poster girls’ for the jihad in Syria are now desperate to come home after getting completely disillusioned with their new lifestyles. Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, who grew up in the Austrian capital Vienna and enjoyed the freedom to wear whatever they wanted, and […]

CCTV images of suspected serial rapist

General News

Austrian police have issued these CCTV images of a man they suspect might be responsible for a series of rapes on the Vienna U6 underground line. The man is believed to have struck three times at least and police have not ruled out that the might be other victims who have not yet come forward. […]

Jail term for praising Hitler

General News

A man from Lower Austria has been sentenced to prison for glorifying the Third Reich. The 54-year-old was found guilty of breaching Austria’s anti-Nazi propaganda law. He was ordered to spend six months behind bars, with another 12 months on suspension. The verdict – issued by a court in Wiener Neustadt yesterday (Tues) – is […]

Child porn doc caught

General News

An Upper Austrian doctor is accused of having molested a young patient. The man was arrested yesterday (Weds), local officials said today. They explained investigators became active after having received tip-offs accusing the medic of sexual abuse. Prosecutors in Wels announced that the general practitioner was accused of having produced pornographic images of children for […]

Lauda admits drink-driving sins

General News

Three-time F1 champ Niki Lauda, who is spearheading a controversial anti drink-drive campaign using graphic images of injured children, has admitted driving drunk.The 61-year-old told German daily Bild today (Mon): “I drove after drinking something a few times 20 years ago. You don’t think about the dangers when you are younger.”Speaking about the campaign launched […]