Police probe museam theft of teeth from Strauss and Brahms

General News

The teeth of two of the world’s most famous composers have been stolen from their graves by a man who says he wants to start a museum. The alleged Czech thief who has boasted about his crime on the internet says he wants to now display the famous teeth and dentures he has robbed not […]

Hells Angels ‘linked to chainsaw killing’

General News

Two of the world’s most feared motorcycle crime gangs are on the radar of homicide investigators after an Austrian was cut into pieces in Berlin. A friend of tattooist Raoul Schmidhuber identified the discovered torso of the man due to his significant tattoos. Police divers found the body part in the Spree River a few […]

Workers discover WWII bomb

General News

Explosives experts of the Federal Crime Office (BK) were called after employees found a bomb at a company estate in Vienna. The discovery was made in Vienna’s Donaustadt district yesterday afternoon (Mon), police said today. Officials remained tight-lipped over whether the object – identified as a World War Two (WWII) aerial bomb – could have […]

Chechen trio jailed over Israilov murder


Three Chechens have been given long jail terms for their role an assassination which made headlines across the globe.The trio was found guilty of being involved in the murder of Umar Israilov, a former bodyguard of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov who turned against his employer, in Vienna-Floridsdorf in January 2009.Israilov died after being gunned down […]

Moped thief caught in Vienna

General News

A young resident of Vienna faces youth crime charges for stealing a moped.The 14-year-old raised the attention of policemen patrolling the city centre yesterday evening (Sun) by sounding the horn of the moped several times.Officers found out that it had been reported stolen recently when he failed to provide its licence papers. The teenager was […]

Moscow flops in holiday safety poll


A vast majority of Austrians have admitted fears of street crime in Moscow.Insurance agency Allianz found that only 14 per cent consider the Russian capital as a safe place to visit. The insurer said today (Tues) New York in the United States fared slightly better as 28 per cent of Austrians say they are not […]

Cash machine con has South American link, police say

General News

A bank in Carinthia has vowed to compensate its clients after conmen withdrew thousands of Euros from their accounts.Kärntner Sparkasse said today (Weds) police are examining the incident. The firm explained that fraudsters apparently managed to get account information of clients after a small camera was set up at a cashpoint in Klagenfurt.Large amounts of […]

Ministry official taps EU funds to back wife’s clubs


A high-ranking official is suspected of channelling large sums into leisure associations run by his wife.In a reaction to reports in the Austrian press, a spokeswoman for People’s Party (ÖVP) Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner said the embezzled European Union (EU) subsidies were “significantly lower than one million Euros”.The accused official has been suspended as prosecutors […]

Teens behind €20,000 vandalism

General News

Two teenagers face charges under Austrian youth crime law for causing damage at a train station.Police in Pasching outside Linz, Upper Austria, announced today (Mon) that two 14-year-old boys admitted vandalising the local station. The pals threw stones at the building, causing an overall damage of 20,000 Euros.The teens were not put in custody. Police […]

Tram-surfing teens cautioned

General News

Two teenagers were reprimanded for dangling off a driving tram.The boys aged 13 and 14 clung onto the back of the public transport vehicle in the Upper Austrian city of Linz this morning (Weds). They ran away when its driver stopped between two stations after being told by passengers what was going on.The offenders were […]