2 weeks to rescue 2,200 dayli jobs

General News

By Rob Hyde Bankrupt cosmetic store chain, dayli, has just 2 weeks to secure an investor, or all 2,200 jobs will be lost. Assets administrator Rudolf Mitterlehner has already registered all remaining dayli workers as provisionally laid off with the Austrian job centre (AMS), in case an investor to bail out the company cannot be […]

Child allowance extension rarely taken up admits minister


Experts have criticised the offer of extending the Kinderbetreuungsgeld  – the payment made to new parents – for two months in cases of hardship because the process is too complicated. The reasons for the extension of the child allowance can be violence in a relationship, prison or an extended period of sickness or even the […]

Rising rents fuel inflation


Prices climbed by more than two per cent last month. Statistik Austria said yesterday (Weds) the inflation rose by 2.3 per cent, meaning that the average price of predicts and services on offer in Austria climbed to this extent from April 2011 to the same month of this year. This is the lowest rise since […]

Imperial splendour for families for €15


Austrian Minister for Families Reinhold Mitterlehner has organised a special family ticket for the “Long Night of the Family” on 6 May  that allows entry to things connected to the Habsburgs. From Schloss Schönbrunn or the world’s oldest zoo, through to Schloss Hof – the ticket allows all the attractions to be visited with a […]

Schleicher suggests public transport action

General News

A climate expert has called on lawmakers to provide people with cheap public transport tickets as petrol prices continue soaring. Stefan Schleicher of the Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) said yesterday (Thurs) the current situation posed a “unique chance” for decision-makers. Schleicher told radio channel Ö1 that politicians should offer affordable long-term tickets for means […]

Pühringer leads trust index


Josef Pühringer, the governor of the province of Upper Austria, is the most trusted People’s Party (ÖVP) politician. A new poll by OGM – published in the new edition of magazine profil – lists Pühringer ahead of Economy Chamber (WKO) President Christoph Leitl and Science Minister Karlheinz Töchterle. Leitl has often been rumoured to become […]

Reckless fuel pricing must mean prison, says BZÖ


An opposition party wants jail sentences for energy sector businesspeople while the government plans to increase the financial support of drivers. Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) head Josef Bucher announced yesterday (Weds) stricter penalties were needed to stop mineral oil firms from not passing on international trading developments to customers. Bucher said Austrian […]

WKO less optimistic than WIFO


The Economy Chamber (WKO) has warned from overly positive economic forecasts. The Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) recently said Austrian enterprises might invest 5.6 billion Euros this year in the domestic economy, 12 per cent more than in 2011. The WKO’s industrial section announced yesterday (Weds) that firms’ spending might not rise as sharply. WKO […]

Buying bank shares is an option, minister admits


People’s Party (ÖVP) Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner has revealed that Austria would acquire banking stocks to save the finance institutes from ruin in the worsening economic crisis. Mitterlehner told national broadcaster ORF yesterday (Sun) that the Republic of Austria was ready to buy bank shares in a worst case scenario. Assumption of liabilities and paying […]

Germany aims to overtake Austria in Croatia


Germany is challenging Austria’s position as a top investor in Croatia. Figures presented by the Croatian National Bank (HNB) today (Fri) reveal that German companies spent 131.8 million Euros in the country in the first quarter of this year, more than any other country. German firms only spent 90.4 million Euros in the same time […]