Istria – the undiscovered Croatian gem


By Kathryn Quinn Many holiday plans start with an argument: She wants to lie idly by the pool and bake in the sun, he wants to do something more active – even if it is only sampling the local beer. Istria, a little known region by the Adriatic Sea, is the perfect solution to this […]

Body of Libyan oil minister flown out of Austria


The body of the former Libyan minister Shukri Ghanem, who was found dead in the Danube last week, has been transported to the Libyan capital Tripoli on Thursday. The coffin with Ghanem’s name on it arrived in Tripoli yesterday, according to wire agencies. The Austrian officials were initially not ready to confirm this information. Meanwhile, […]

Baby burned by deep fat fryer

General News

An unattended nine month old baby was seriously burned after crawling across to the oven and pulling a deep fat fryer full of burning oil over itself in Stadl an der Mur, Styria. The tot pulled on a cable attached to the fryer and pulled it over. Half a litre of hot oil landed on […]

Ex Gadhafi minister found dead in Danube

General News

By Fidan Aliyeva in Vienna One of toppled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s top official’s has been discovered dead floating in the river Danube. Shukri Ghanem, 69, who was Libyan prime minister between 2003 and 2006, was dressed normally when he left his home on Sunday morning and was found dead in the Danube at 6:40am […]

Reckless fuel pricing must mean prison, says BZÖ


An opposition party wants jail sentences for energy sector businesspeople while the government plans to increase the financial support of drivers. Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) head Josef Bucher announced yesterday (Weds) stricter penalties were needed to stop mineral oil firms from not passing on international trading developments to customers. Bucher said Austrian […]

OMV boss predicts energy price jumps


OMV AG chief Gerhard Roiss has claimed that psychological aspects often matter more regarding the price of oil than fundamental grounds. Roiss called the increase of car fuel prices a “delicate topic”. He said the price for mineral oil might rather drop in the future than rise further. But Roiss also stressed that he was […]

Hole Lot of Bother

General News

Historians have solved the mystery of a perfectly round hole going 25 foot underground after it appeared in the middle of an Austrian field. Hundreds of people travelled to the field at Neuhofen im Innkreis in Austria after the mysterious perfectly round hole appeared overnight, leading down to “something metallic”. One schoolgirl told local media […]

Fracking is a health risk in Vorarlberg

Green Austria

Green groups have raised the alarm over plans to use a controversial mining technique known as Fracking around Lake Constance in Germany that is already banned in some countries. Gas and oil is harvested naturally after it leaks into underground reservoirs from source rocks – but with fracking the natural process is accelerated. Expanding chemicals […]

Car fuel sales slide


Austrians acquired less fuel last year, according to a traffic research organisation. The Austria Traffic Club (VCÖ) said yesterday (Sun) around 9.6 billion litres of petrol were sold in 2011, down from 9.7 billion litres in the previous year. An all-time record was achieved in 2005 when 10.2 billion litres were sold across the country, […]

Berlakovich rejects shale gas project


People’s Party (ÖVP) Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich has spoken out against plans to produce shale gas in Lower Austria. Large reserves of the substance may be located in rocks up to 6,000 metres below the surface in the north-eastern province of Lower Austria. Austrian oil and gas group OMV AG reportedly plans to carry out […]