Three Family Members Dead In Well Tragedy

General News

A mother has lost her husband, her pregnant daughter and her son-in-law after a tragic accident where one of them fell into a well and the other two died while trying to carry out a failed rescue. Josef Honeder, 54, was the first to be caught out after heading out to go mushroom picking and […]

Mum And Daughter Struck By Lightning In Pool

General News

A mother and her daughter were hospitalised after they were struck by lightning – in a swimming pool. The couple had decided to go swimming in their pool in the garden of their home in the market town Furnitz in the southern Austrian province of Carinthia. After the 36-year-old mother and her 12-year-old daughter were […]

50-year-old on trial for incest

General News

By Rachael Williams A 50-year-old man is on trial in Klagenfurt on suspicion of incest. The man from Spittal in Carinthia is believed to have repeatedly raped his 18-year-old daughter and also offered her to other men in exchange for money. On Tuesday the man, not named for legal reasons, appeared before judge Sabine Roßmann […]

Obituary: The Vienna-born heroine who gave equal rights to Japanese women

General News

A Viennese-born woman who single handedly rewrote the constitution of Japan to give women equal rights has died aged 89, the New York Times reports. Beate Sirota Gordon was born in Vienna on Oct. 25, 1923, as the daughter of Russian Jewish parents, and died of pancreatic cancer, her daughter, Nicole Gordon, said. Beate was […]

Josef Fritzl divorces wife as she never visits him

General News

Austrian cellar monster Josef Fritzl has had his revenge on his long suffering wife Rosemarie with the granting of a divorce from her while serving life imprisonment. Rosemarie wanted nothing more to do with him after his terrible crimes against their daughter were exposed – but she wanted to keep his name in order to […]

Trying Dutchman wants share of inheritence

General News

An adopted Dutchman who flew to Austria to track down his real parents has launched a multi-million pound inheritance claim after discovering his real father was an Austrian property magnate. Ronald Nyman, 42, had been born illegitimately in 1970 in Feldkirch, Austria, and was handed over to a local monastery and then given up for […]

Police release image of bald hair thief

General News

Austrian police have issued a photo of a bald man who has been cutting the hair from young girls before running off with his trophy. The attacks have mostly taken place in Feldbach in Styria, Austria, where the hair cutter has been carrying out his hair raising activities for more than 20 years. In the […]

Body of Libyan oil minister flown out of Austria


The body of the former Libyan minister Shukri Ghanem, who was found dead in the Danube last week, has been transported to the Libyan capital Tripoli on Thursday. The coffin with Ghanem’s name on it arrived in Tripoli yesterday, according to wire agencies. The Austrian officials were initially not ready to confirm this information. Meanwhile, […]

Dutchman chaces inheritance in Austria

General News

An adopted Dutchman who flew to Austria to track down his real parents has launched a multi-million pound inheritance claim after discovering his real father was a wealthy local businessmen. Under Austrian law, children are guaranteed a share of their parents wealth and it isn’t possible to disinherit them. Ronald Nijman, 42, had been born […]

Fritzl cellar to be filled with concrete

General News

Walter Anzboeck, the liquidator of Josef Fritzl’s estate said the cellar of the house where Fritzl imprisoned and repeatedly raped his daughter for 24 years will be filled up with concrete. Anzboeck said the move was to ensure the space could never be entered again. He said in a statement on Friday that concrete will […]