Dad Punished Child, 2, With Boiling Hot Shower

General News

A two-year-old girl is in an artificial coma and fighting for her life after her father threw her into a scalding hot shower leaving her with severe burns at the family home in the Austrian capital Vienna. Christian Eisenhauer told police he did not realise the shower was scalding hot when he threw the child […]

Cold case review and Facebook catch supsected killer

General News

Austrian police used Facebook to help catch a suspected killer after a cold case review revealed that the man they wanted had left the country and was now living in Australia. Student Daniela Kammerer was killed by a knife in a telephone kiosk in an Innsbruck park on 23rd of June 2005. At the time […]

Man crushed to death by dumb bell

General News

A man has been crushed to death during a weight training session when he dropped a 160 kilo dumb bell onto himself in Mettmach, Upper Austria. The 41-year-old father of one was training alone when the weights fell from his hand and landed on his neck. He was training in a private training room, which […]

Kampusch: FBI Dossier to Reveal Police Cover Up

General News

A secret FBI report into police cover-ups over the kidnapping of cellar prison victim Natascha Kampusch is due to be made public this month (April). Austrian justice officials were forced to call in neutral investigators from the US agency after Natatscha’s father Ludwig Koch accused local police of a cover up because of political interference. […]

Children-free hotel in Tyrol


Along with hotels for people with children or hotels for dog-lovers there are also hotels that are only dedicated to adults. Posthotel Achenkirch in Tyrol (Western Austria) focuses on guests without children under the age of fourteen. Since children have been banned from the hotel, there is no longer noisy splashing in the pools and […]

50-year-old on trial for incest

General News

By Rachael Williams A 50-year-old man is on trial in Klagenfurt on suspicion of incest. The man from Spittal in Carinthia is believed to have repeatedly raped his 18-year-old daughter and also offered her to other men in exchange for money. On Tuesday the man, not named for legal reasons, appeared before judge Sabine Roßmann […]

Fake doctor gets suspended sentence

General News

A medical school drop-out who forged a graduation certificate when his businbessman father cut off his allowance has been convicted of fraud after he was given a job as an examination board head by the Austrian Red Cross. The 34-year-old Marc Baier said that he had never intended to make use of fake degrees, but […]

Trying Dutchman wants share of inheritence

General News

An adopted Dutchman who flew to Austria to track down his real parents has launched a multi-million pound inheritance claim after discovering his real father was an Austrian property magnate. Ronald Nyman, 42, had been born illegitimately in 1970 in Feldkirch, Austria, and was handed over to a local monastery and then given up for […]

Dutchman chaces inheritance in Austria

General News

An adopted Dutchman who flew to Austria to track down his real parents has launched a multi-million pound inheritance claim after discovering his real father was a wealthy local businessmen. Under Austrian law, children are guaranteed a share of their parents wealth and it isn’t possible to disinherit them. Ronald Nijman, 42, had been born […]

Koren at the ready for ÖVAG top job


Stephan Koren has reportedly agreed to take the hot seat at Volksbank AG (ÖVAG). The ex-BAWAG PSK (BAWAG) manager has been rumoured to replace Gerald Wenzel as ÖVAG CEO for some time. Now People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Maria Fekter announced Koren signalised interest in the position. Fekter said yesterday (Weds) the banker was ready […]