Kampusch: FBI Dossier to Reveal Police Cover Up

General News

A secret FBI report into police cover-ups over the kidnapping of cellar prison victim Natascha Kampusch is due to be made public this month (April). Austrian justice officials were forced to call in neutral investigators from the US agency after Natatscha’s father Ludwig Koch accused local police of a cover up because of political interference. […]

Book of the dead offers hope to Jewish families


By John Leo-Moberg A book containing the records of people buried in the Jewish cemetery in the Austrian Deutschkreutz community may finally let families know where their ancestors were put to rest. All records were lost after the cemetery was destroyed by the Nazis in the 1940s. But the Jewish cemetery in Deutschkreutz should now […]

Previously unknown Mozart piece discovered

General News

A previously unknown piano piece from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been discovered in Tyrol in Austria. The Mozart Foundation in Salzburg has reported that the piece was recently found in a music book from 1780. According to the “Stiftung Mozarteum”, the music book, which dates back to the 18th century, was found by university lecturer […]

Hitler hometown deals with sinister past

General News

The birthplace of Adolf Hitler is showing more and more effort in critically reviewing its dark legacy. A majority of residents of Braunau are confronted with the town’s connection to the Third Reich leader who committed suicide shortly before the end of World War Two (WWII). A study by sociologist Judith Forstner reveals that four […]

Geiger novel only beaten by Suter’s latest work


Arno Geiger’s most recent book has been identified as the bestselling novel by an Austrian this year.Publishing group Schwarzer announced that “Alles über Sally” sold more copies than the latest novels by US American writer Donna Leon (“Schöner Schein” or About Face) and Swedish fiction author Henning Mankell (“Der Feind im Schatten” or Den orolige […]

Cruise arrives in Greece instead Croatia

General News

Organisers of a cruise are in hot water after berthing in Greece instead of Croatia.Holidaymakers told Austrian press today (Weds) that the MS Delphin arrived in Athens – despite initial plans to set for Croatia’s Adriatic coast.The tourists claimed the crew hesitated to explain why the ship moored in the Greek capital.A German-Austrian production company […]

Vienna vote has its battle of the comic books


The Viennese Social Democrats (SPÖ) have presented their own election campaign comic after cartoons created by the Freedom Party (FPÖ) caused outcry last month.The city’s SPÖ – who has a majority of city parliament seats – today (Weds) officially presented their own comic book which has already been handed out to potential voters in discos […]

German’s record-breaking tour ends in Austria


A German musician set a new world record by giving concerts in eight different countries including Austria within 24 hours.Vicente Patiz – real name Jörg Patitz – from Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony started his bid with a gig in Oberhausen, Germany, on Saturday before hitting the stage in Eupen, Belgium, Maastricht, Netherlands, Ettelbrück in Luxembourg, the […]

Majority approve debate following Sarrazin’s claims


A majority of Austrians regard Thilo Sarrazin’s controversial ideas a “justified approach” to re-discuss integration issues, a poll has shown.Viennese researchers Karmasin found 51 per cent of Austrians said the outgoing Deutsche Bundesbank executive board member’s statements were a good starting point to kick off a discussion about Austrian immigration and integration issues. Only 39 […]

Kampusch admits fear of being a mum

General News

Kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch has revealed she is worried about whether she will be a mother one day.The 21-year-old told Austrian weekly magazine News: “Kids, family – that’s very complicated. It has a lot to do with responsibility – and there would, of course, be fears something could happen to my children.”Kampusch said it was […]