Snow Patrol v Far Right Austrian Party

General News

Austria’s far right Freedom Party (FPOe) is being sued by British rock band Snow Patrol for the illegal use of one of their songs in an election campaign. Universal Music, which represents the band, has launched legal action against the Freedom Party for using the song ‘Run’ without permission. It featured in a video which […]

Strache’s Facebook profile blocked


Leader of the right-wing Austria Freedom Party (FPÖ), has had his popular Facebook  page mysteriously blocked – then unblocked. Despite having around 135,000 users ‘likes’ on his page, Heinz-Christian Strache suddenly found that the Zuckerberg-founded social network giant had decided to cancel his page, leaving him unable to read or post updates. Early Monday morning, […]

FPÖ justifies ‘Moroccan thieves’ campaign


High-ranking representatives of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) have defended controversial slogans of the party’s Tyrolean department. The rightist party’s Innsbruck branch warned from “Moroccan thieves” in rhyme on a recently presented poster. The slogan was part of the FPÖ’s campaign for the upcoming Innsbruck city hall ballot. Residents of the provincial capital of Tyrol will […]

Morocco posters all removed says FPÖ

General News

The Freedom party official responsible for an election poster campaign that urged love for all things good and Austrian rather than thieving Moroccans has apologised and had all the posters removed. The slogan “Heimatliebe statt Marokkaner-Diebe” on the Freedom Party placards for local elections in Innsbruck translates as “Love of your home country instead of […]

Hofer sceptical about ÖVP’s future impact


A renowned political strategist has warned that the People’s Party (ÖVP) could be “pulverised” in the approaching election campaign. Thomas Hofer writes in a guest article for political magazine profil that the conservative party might find it difficult to position itself in the expected war of words between Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann and […]

Rudas confirms tax hike intention


Social Democratic (SPÖ) General Secretary Laura Rudas has defended her party’s intention to increase taxes. The SPÖ wants to raise some taxation rates to restore the budget while its coalition partner, the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP), expressed the intention to concentrate on lowering investments. Rudas said today (Weds) “all experts” were of the opinion that […]

Strache security punches party-goer


Freedom Party (FPÖ) boss Heinz-Christian Strache is in hot water after a bodyguard put a man into hospital last weekend. One of Strache’s three personal security guards attacked another guest of a club in Vienna-Favoriten on Saturday night. The man – understood to be an internationally successful banker – threw a ham roll and ice […]

Cellar girl had a baby further claims

General News

Cellar girl Natasha Kampusch, 23, had a baby while held captive by pervert Wolfgang Priklopil according to opposition politicians from both the right and the left who are demanding an independent investigation. Opposition leader Heinz Strache from the FPOe claims police ignored evidence that Kampusch gave birth to Prikopil’s child whilst in the cellar in […]

Graf questions decision to kick out Königshofer


Bosses of Austria’s strongest right-wing faction are struggling to settle an intense party-internal dispute which experts say poses a risk to its grasp for power. Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache and Norbert Hofer, Strache’s deputy, recently announced that member of the parliament (MP) Werner Königshofer will be expelled over a string of controversial claims. […]

Strache sends emissary to Libya


An Austrian right-winger has travelled to Libya in an alleged attempt to end the violent conflict in the North African country. Freedom Party (FPÖ) boss Heinz-Christian Strache confirmed today (Mon) that FPÖ Vienna councillor David Lasar was in Tripoli, the federal capital of the civil war-shattered nation. Strache explained he decided to send Lasar as […]