Ruling SPÖ and ÖVP Coalition at Record Low Over Hypo Scandal


Austria’s coalition government is under fire over its management of a banking crisis in which it agreed to nationalise the Hypo Alpe Adria bank in a move that has saddled the country with an estimated 18 billion euros in debt. The Carinthian Hypo Alpe Adria was a bank that had expanded too quickly with heavy […]

Haider death mocked once more


A satirical magazine has created a fake campaign train poster showing the wrecked car of a late politician. Jörg Haider spearheaded right-wing movements in Austria for decades before losing his life in a drunken car crash three years ago. Now Germany’s Titanic magazine published what it called a “Riddle for Nazis” on its homepage. The […]

Strache sends emissary to Libya


An Austrian right-winger has travelled to Libya in an alleged attempt to end the violent conflict in the North African country. Freedom Party (FPÖ) boss Heinz-Christian Strache confirmed today (Mon) that FPÖ Vienna councillor David Lasar was in Tripoli, the federal capital of the civil war-shattered nation. Strache explained he decided to send Lasar as […]

FPÖ-internal feud hots up as Strache stays away from WWII commemoration


A far-right member of the European Parliament (MEP) has called on Freedom Party (FPÖ) boss Heinz-Christian Strache not to deny the roots of his party.FPÖ MEP Andreas Mölzer told the Kurier newspaper today (Weds) Strache “must not be afraid” of pictures showing him with members of controversial student fraternities. Several FPÖ members of the Austrian […]

Petzner admits speeding


A right-wing politician has vowed to “draw political conclusions” from being caught speeding.Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) MP Stefan Petzner confirmed newspaper reports that he lost his licence for going at too high speed.Referring to the incident last December, the BZÖ Carinthia chief claimed he drove because of a “medical emergency”. Petzner said […]

Lauda presents new sponsor among anti-gay dancing dispute


Niki Lauda has found a new “head sponsor”.The three-time Formula One (F1) champion almost died when his Ferrari caught fire at the Nürburgring racing course in Germany in 1976. “I didn’t want people looking at the black, burnt skin,” he explained when being asked why he decided to don a baseball cap. The businessman, who […]

Strache’s Israel trip causes a stir


Officials in Austria are at odds over Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache’s decision to travel to Israel.The right-winger visited Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a territory Palestinians are also claiming. Speaking about the ongoing conflict about the area and the throwbacks the peace talks have suffered, Strache said in the West Bank area […]

Outrage about Holocaust joke in ORF show

General News

Bosses of national broadcaster ORF have come under pressure over a Holocaust joke in a popular late night show.It emerged today (Fri) that ORF officials were forced to censor the most recently produced episode of “Willkommen Österreich”. The show, which is co-hosted by Dirk Stermann and Christoph Grissemann, is produced a few days before its […]

Flopped Haider exhibit shuts after ‘negative propaganda’


Organisers of an exhibition on late right-wing politician Jörg Haider have claimed “campaigning media” were to blame for the exhibit being a massive flop.Fewer than 11,000 people attended the exhibit in the Bergbaumuseum (Mining Museum) in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, since it opened in October 2009. Organisers and local politicians hoped it would draw 70,000.Curator Gerhard Finding […]

Anger as FPÖ official claims Haider was gay


Right-wing Austria is entangled in a bitter war of words over the sexual orientation of its late icon Jörg Haider after controversial statements by a Vienna councillor.Vienna Freedom Party (FPÖ) official Gerald Ebinger tried to encourage homosexuals to support his party at the 10 October city parliament elections.Asked why people should support the FPÖ which […]