Family get trapped in lift on Pyramiden-Kogel

General News

A family was trapped in a lift whilst trying to reach the viewing platform of the newly opened Pyramiden Kogel in Keutschach, Carinthia. On the last ride of the day the doors would not open to release the family – only after some minutes was it possible for the doors to be opened. This is […]

100,000 visitors visit the Pyramidenkogel


More than 100,000 visitors have visited the viewing tower on the Pyramidenkogel in Keutschach, Carinthia, since it opened six weeks ago. The 100,000th visitor from Voitsberg, Styria was making a day trip to Carinthia when she became the 100,000th visitor. She was greeted by Austrian MP Wolfgang Waldner from the ÖVP and local mayor Gerhard […]

FPÖ in 150,000 Euro spending mystery

General News

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) in Carinthia must account for over 150,000 Euros in unexplained spending, says the local court of auditors (RH). The federal court of auditors (LRH) for Carinthia said questions remain unanswered relating to 154,000 Euros in FPÖ party spending. The LRH Carinthia inspected all political parties between March and May last […]

Birth balance negative once again


The birth balance of 2012 has been negative for the first time in three years. This was due to an increase in deaths. Another trend is that women give birth to their first child when they are older. Even though more children were born last year, there was a negative balance of 484 for the […]

Victory for the SPÖ in Carinthia


The Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) won the regional elections in Carinthia (Southern Austria) yesterday (Sun), achieving 37.1%. The Freedom Party of Carinthia (FPK) lost most of the votes (-27.8%). The ÖVP, on third place (14.2%), was followed by the Green Party (11.8%). 440,748 Carinthians were entitled to vote, of which 71.4 percent actually voted. The […]

More speculation in regional councils


The region of Velden in Carinthia is the latest named as having been involved in risky financial investments after losing close to 500,000 Euros of taxpayers money. If correct it will mean Velden is the latest in a number of local government bodies that has tried to profit from speculative investments. Now that the tide […]

Politician caught having sex in forest

General News

A debate about the use of forest cameras has erupted after an unnamed Austrian politician was caught on camera having sex in a forest by a camera fixed up to monitor local wildlife. Luckily for the politician his blushes have been spared as the pictures have not been released in the Austrian province of Carinthia. […]

Lake Millstatt moves into thermal tourism


With stunning panorama views and spectacular lakes Carinthia is a winner in the summer in attracting tourists but the lakeside tourism opportunities are limited by the weather. But at the thermal lake at Millstatt locals have taken the first step towards making lakeside enjoyment and almost all year-round activity with the building of Carinthia’s first […]

Scheuch ‘will not plead guilty’


Carinthian Freedom Party (FPK) boss Uwe Scheuch emphasised that he had no plans to plead guilty to unjust enrichment after a verdict against him was annulled. The Provincial High Court of Styria (OLG) in Graz announced last week it wanted the Court of Klagenfurt to re-examine the case again. OLG experts had to look into […]

From the Grossglockner to the Sea


The Alpe-Adria-Trail is a brand new hiking route that covers three countries. From the foot of the highest mountain in Austria, the 3,798 metre high Grossglockner, to the Adriatic Sea – in 38 stages. Each stage covers a distance of around 17 kilometres, and the Trail passes through Carinthia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Slovenia. In total […]