Politician caught having sex in forest

General News

A debate about the use of forest cameras has erupted after an unnamed Austrian politician was caught on camera having sex in a forest by a camera fixed up to monitor local wildlife. Luckily for the politician his blushes have been spared as the pictures have not been released in the Austrian province of Carinthia. […]

Viennese surveillance camera scheme seen as success


Almost 2,800 surveillance cameras have been set up at council houses in Vienna in the past three years, city officials announced yesterday (Weds). Social Democratic (SPÖ) Housing Councillor Michael Ludwig said 2,769 camera systems were installed at the so-called Gemeindebau housing estates which have been subsidised and managed by the city since autumn 2008. The […]

World record price for rare camera


An Asian collector has splashed out more than 1.3 million Euros for a rare Leica in an auction in Vienna, making it the most expensive camera in the world.Organisers of the auction, held at Vienna’s Westlicht gallery (www.westlicht.com) on Saturday, said the Leica no. 7 from 1932 was sold for 1.32 million Euros. They said […]

Public transport CCTV checks collar 70 felons

General News

Dozens of criminals were caught after police were provided with footage from CCTV installations set up at public transport stations and in underground trains in Vienna in the first three months of this year.Public transport agency Wiener Linien announced today (Weds) that 70 offenders were punished after police investigators checked footage from surveillance cameras tracked […]

New speed cameras target foreign offenders

General News

A new generation of radar traps has gone into operation.Road authorities said today (Fri) that they have begun setting up high-tech speed cameras on some of Austria’s busiest motorways.Motorway authority Asfinag explained that the new devices were already operating at the A21 Außenring motorway in Vienna, the A10 Tauern motorway in Salzburg and the S1 […]

‘Crazy’ speed camera flashes all drivers

General News

Red-faced police in Salzburg have admitted a speed camera has flashed every driver regardless of the speed they were going for several hours.Motorway officials announced today (Weds) a radar trap took a picture of every car going on the A10 Tauern motorway on Monday for four hours due to a technical malfunction.Autobahn workers were eventually […]