Moelzer no longer FPOe top candidate for Europe


FPOe politician Andreas Moelzer is no longer his party’s top candidate for the European Parliament elections. The news comes after his controversial remarks about race in the European Union led to senior Austrian politicians calling for him to withdraw. Moelzer decided to step down from the top candidacy position for the elections in May, citing […]

Finance scandal reason for early election


The financial scandal in Salzburg has been hotly debated since last December. Many people lost their trust in the government and this has led to early elections on 5 May. The former financial adviser Wolfgang Eisl (ÖVP) issued a letter of attorney ten years ago, which allowed three state servants to make risky financial deals. […]

Victory for the SPÖ in Carinthia


The Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) won the regional elections in Carinthia (Southern Austria) yesterday (Sun), achieving 37.1%. The Freedom Party of Carinthia (FPK) lost most of the votes (-27.8%). The ÖVP, on third place (14.2%), was followed by the Green Party (11.8%). 440,748 Carinthians were entitled to vote, of which 71.4 percent actually voted. The […]

Hotel cancellations after freedom party slogan

General News

The slogan “love for the fatherland instead of Moroccan thieves” has got the FPÖ’s leading candidate in the Innsbruck municipal elections into financial trouble. The Innsbruck hotel owner August Penz, who was also a prominent FPÖ candidate in the municipal elections in Innsbruck, suffered a financial set back after many of his hotel guests cancelled […]

Morocco posters all removed says FPÖ

General News

The Freedom party official responsible for an election poster campaign that urged love for all things good and Austrian rather than thieving Moroccans has apologised and had all the posters removed. The slogan “Heimatliebe statt Marokkaner-Diebe” on the Freedom Party placards for local elections in Innsbruck translates as “Love of your home country instead of […]

Mariahilfer Straße may become pedestrian area


Vast parts of Vienna’s busiest shopping street could become car-free zones in the next few years, Social Democratic (SPÖ) Vienna traffic councillor Rudolf Schicker has announced.Schicker said today (Weds) experts were set to check which parts of the Mariahilfer Straße – which divides the city’s Mariahilf and Neubau districts – could be freed from traffic. […]

All eyes on Rosenkranz as clear Fischer win predicted


Incumbent president Heinz Fischer is expected to celebrate a landslide victory in Sunday’s presidential elections, but the main focus will be on the performance of his rival Barbara Rosenkranz.The campaign of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) candidate has been shattered by a series of controversial statements by herself about Austria’s Nazi past. The mother-of-ten accused press […]

‘Jelly politics’ attack as Kogler named Styrian Greens front runner


Greens Graz Vice Mayor Lisa Rücker claimed the big two parties would make “wobbly jelly politics” as her party named Werner Kogler front runner for autumn’s provincial election.MP Kogler was revealed as the party’s top candidate for the 26 September vote after Jörg Martin Willnauer surprisingly resigned.Willnauer announced over the weekend he had decided not […]

‘Haider soulmate’ Petzner resigns as BZÖ general secretary


Stefan Petzner announced he would step down as general secretary of the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) after weeks of denying reports he considered such a move.Petzner said yesterday (Thurs) he wanted to fully focus on his duties in the province of Carinthia where he was named head of the party’s branch earlier […]

BZÖ boss determined five years on


The Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) boss Josef Bucher said he was ready for the “mammoth task” of establishing his party five years after its foundation.Bucher took over the hot seat at the right-wing BZÖ one and a half years ago from Stefan Petzner.Petzner, now the party’s general secretary, only headed the BZÖ […]