Snow Patrol v Far Right Austrian Party

General News

Austria’s far right Freedom Party (FPOe) is being sued by British rock band Snow Patrol for the illegal use of one of their songs in an election campaign. Universal Music, which represents the band, has launched legal action against the Freedom Party for using the song ‘Run’ without permission. It featured in a video which […]

Moelzer no longer FPOe top candidate for Europe


FPOe politician Andreas Moelzer is no longer his party’s top candidate for the European Parliament elections. The news comes after his controversial remarks about race in the European Union led to senior Austrian politicians calling for him to withdraw. Moelzer decided to step down from the top candidacy position for the elections in May, citing […]

Cellar girl had a baby further claims

General News

Cellar girl Natasha Kampusch, 23, had a baby while held captive by pervert Wolfgang Priklopil according to opposition politicians from both the right and the left who are demanding an independent investigation. Opposition leader Heinz Strache from the FPOe claims police ignored evidence that Kampusch gave birth to Prikopil’s child whilst in the cellar in […]