Ruling SPÖ and ÖVP Coalition at Record Low Over Hypo Scandal


Austria’s coalition government is under fire over its management of a banking crisis in which it agreed to nationalise the Hypo Alpe Adria bank in a move that has saddled the country with an estimated 18 billion euros in debt. The Carinthian Hypo Alpe Adria was a bank that had expanded too quickly with heavy […]

New probe in Alpe Adria bank scandal


Prosecutors in Carinthia have confirmed a new investigation around the Hypo Group Alpe Adria (HGAA) bank against 12 people. None of those under investigation were named. BZÖ-Deputy party leader Stefan Petzner had already indicated that there were new investigations around the end of October and now this has been confirmed by prosecutors. Spokeswoman Gabriele Lutschounig […]

Hypo Italia presents SME focus


Hypo Alpe Adria Italia has revealed plans to expand.The bank, which is part of Austria’s Hypo Group Alpe Adria (HGAA), announced today (Mon) it wanted to focus on offering services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in northern Italy. Hypo Alpe Adria Italia praised these firms as the “backbone” of the region’s economy. It added […]

Croatia wins arbitration against Austrian firm


Croatia is celebrating after a United Nations (UN) court rejected an Austrian company’s demand for 80 million Euros compensation over a failed gambling venture.The gambling project was set up by the Croatian Lottery together with the Austrian firm Adria Beteiligungs GmbH (Adria) which suffered during the independence war and was eventually scrapped over management differences.The […]