Kampusch dad files €130,000 compensation claim

General News

The father of kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch is demanding more than 100,000 Euros in compensation from the Republic of Austria.Dietmar Heck, a lawyer representing Ludwig Koch, said today (Weds) his client suffered immensely during the eight years his daughter was kept by pervert Wolfgang Priklopil. Heck argued Kampusch could have been freed much earlier had […]

Kampusch lawyer issues €1mn compensation claim

General News

An advocate representing kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch is demanding one million Euros in compensation for personal suffering for his client.Viennese newspapers report today (Tues) that Gerald Ganzger called on the Republic of Austria to transfer one million Euros to Kampusch, 23, for what she had to endure in her eight years in captivity.Kampusch was snatched […]

Kampusch deserves €2mn compensation, says MP

General News

Greens MP Peter Pilz has claimed one to two million Euros was a “realistic” amount of financial compensation for kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch.The politician caused a stir some weeks ago by publishing top secret police files suggesting that authorities attempted to cover up investigation blunders into the abduction case.The documents show that investigators failed to […]

Croatia wins arbitration against Austrian firm


Croatia is celebrating after a United Nations (UN) court rejected an Austrian company’s demand for 80 million Euros compensation over a failed gambling venture.The gambling project was set up by the Croatian Lottery together with the Austrian firm Adria Beteiligungs GmbH (Adria) which suffered during the independence war and was eventually scrapped over management differences.The […]