Kampusch dad files €130,000 compensation claim

The father of kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch is demanding more than 100,000 Euros in compensation from the Republic of Austria.Dietmar Heck, a lawyer representing Ludwig Koch, said today (Weds) his client suffered immensely during the eight years his daughter was kept by pervert Wolfgang Priklopil. Heck argued Kampusch could have been freed much earlier had investigators done a proper job.Koch’s appeal for 130,000 Euros comes days after Kampusch’s lawyer Gerald Ganzger confirmed he issued a one-million Euro compensation appeal to the Republic of Austria for suffering his client had to endure in the clutches of Priklopil.Koch hired a private detective to look for Kampusch amid fears police were reducing their engagement after failing to find his daughter soon after she went missing. Kampusch was abducted on her way to school in Vienna at the age of 10 in 1998. She ran away from Priklopil’s house in Strasshof an der Nordbahn, Lower Austria, in 2006. Her kidnapper committed suicide only some hours later.Investigators had come under fire shortly after Kampusch managed to flee when it emerged that they did not follow up tip-offs by a former police dog squad leader who described Priklopil as a “weird loner who might have a tendency towards young children”.