Hotel Gets A Penthouse Without The Building Stress

General News

A hotel in the southern Austrian city of Graz has gone upmarket with a five-star penthouse suite by simply having it lifted by a crane onto the top floor. The managers at the Hotel Daniel were looking to have more to offer big spending customers in addition to the traditional room with a balcony, and […]

Saw Foot

Green Austria

Jobless Austrian Hans Url  almost died after he cut off his own foot and threw it in an oven so he could continue to claim unemployment benefits. The 56-year-old long term jobless man had been in a row with local job centre staff (AMS) at Mitterlabill at Feldbach in southern Austria after they told him […]

Austrian teen dies in New York hotel

General News

An Austrian teenager collapsed and died in a hotel room in the United States, it has emerged. The 16-year-old from Wiesen in the eastern Austrian province of Burgenland visited New York City with his family. He passed out in their suite at the weekend. Paramedics failed to save his life. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, a spokesman for […]

Carinthia’s Children’s Treasures – Mickey Mouse and Kinder Hotels


One of the most memorable stories I ever had out of Austria when I worked as a correspondent for the Daily Telegraph was the discovery that Mickey Mouse had appeared in a 700-year-old fresco on a church wall in Carinthia. I remember the story well because it was so unbelievable – but sure enough when […]

Flopped betting office hold-up in Vienna

General News

A hapless robber fled empty-handed when a betting shop clerk fled into a back room.The masked man asked the employee to hand over all of the day’s takings in the hold-up yesterday (Tues), officials in Vienna-Margareten said today. The man behind the counter dashed into a room in the back of the betting office to […]

Vienna hotels introduce sharp price hike


Hotels in Vienna are charging nearly 20 Euros more per night than resorts in Salzburg, a survey has revealed.Holiday information platform Trivago ( – which constantly compares the prices for standard double rooms in Europe’s largest cities and most important vacation destinations – announced today (Weds) that one night at a hotel in the Austrian […]

Salzburg hotels price hike exposed


Hotels in Salzburg have jacked up their prices, new figures show.Research by holiday information and price comparison platform Trivago ( shows today (Thurs) that a standard double room in the birthplace of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart currently costs 122 Euros, up sharply by 20 Euros to the previous month.Tens of thousands of holidaymakers are coming […]

Vienna hotel prices up as spring creeps in


Viennese hotels have introduced significant price increases as temperatures are on the rise, it has been revealed.Travel platform Trivago ( found today (Thurs) that a standard double room in the Austrian capital currently costs an average 134 Euros after just 99 Euros last month and 104 Euros in January. Trivago research shows that the current […]

Boozy Danish-French encounter puts two in clinic

General News

Two people had to be hospitalised after a fight in an après ski bar in Salzburg yesterday evening (Tues).Police in the ski resort of Wagrain said today a 26-year-old tourist from Denmark smashed a glass beer mug over a Frenchman’s head after the boozed-up Frenchman, 30, made advances to the Dane’s girlfriend.The French holidaymaker’s pals […]

Kampusch lawyer issues €1mn compensation claim

General News

An advocate representing kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch is demanding one million Euros in compensation for personal suffering for his client.Viennese newspapers report today (Tues) that Gerald Ganzger called on the Republic of Austria to transfer one million Euros to Kampusch, 23, for what she had to endure in her eight years in captivity.Kampusch was snatched […]