Anger over electronic tag for sex offenders

General News

Campaigners demanding that sex offenders not be allowed out of jail with an electronic tag have stepped up their efforts after it was revealed that a paedophile in Germany had carried out a sex attack on a seven-year-old while wearing an electronic tag. The convicted child sex offender is now back behind bars after he […]

Frost destroys apple blossom

Culinary Guide

The unseasonal frost has destroyed up to 80 percent of the apple blossom in East Tyrol according to local farmers. The temperature dropped in the region to -5 degrees centigrade over the Easter weekend and farmers spokesman Hermann Kuenz who is himself a farmer said: “I’ve been in business 25 years and I’ve never seen […]

Facebook wall post cost teenager her job

General News

Waitress Stephanie Panner, 19, is taking her employer to court after she was fired when another colleague posted a critical comment about their employer on her Facebook wall. The waiter had posted a comment on Stephanie’s page when she was not even on the social networking site and never saw the message before getting a […]

Big spenders


Health bosses are spending millions rebuilding an obesity clinic in Rissen, Austria, because their XXL patients are getting even fatter. Designers have created wider doors, reinforced beds with thicker mattresses, two metre-wide operating gowns and even super-sized paper undies. Officials say people have grown larger and larger since the clinic first opened and a typical […]

Saw Foot

Green Austria

Jobless Austrian Hans Url  almost died after he cut off his own foot and threw it in an oven so he could continue to claim unemployment benefits. The 56-year-old long term jobless man had been in a row with local job centre staff (AMS) at Mitterlabill at Feldbach in southern Austria after they told him […]

ORF hack attack worse than feared


Hackers nicked significantly more data from a subsidiary of Austrian broadcaster ORF than officials initially admitted, it has emerged. A spokesman for GIS, the ORF’s radio and TV fee agency, announced today (Tues) 214,000 customer data sets were stolen in the attack last week. He added that 96,000 of the data featured clients’ bank account […]

Austrian teen dies in New York hotel

General News

An Austrian teenager collapsed and died in a hotel room in the United States, it has emerged. The 16-year-old from Wiesen in the eastern Austrian province of Burgenland visited New York City with his family. He passed out in their suite at the weekend. Paramedics failed to save his life. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, a spokesman for […]

Slovak cash terminal robbers avoided Austria

General News

A Slovakian gang accused of dozens of cash machine thefts in their homeland and in the neighbouring Czech Republic was not active in Austria, police announced today (Fri).A spokesman for the Federal Crime Office (BK) in Vienna said investigations to this point suggest that the five men – who were arrested earlier this week – […]

Another farmer accused of keeping slave

General News

A Styrian farmer is suspected of having kept a mentally disabled person as a servant – just weeks after another farmer from the same province was sentenced to prison for the same offence.The provincial Agriculture Chamber said today (Mon) that it planned to take the farmer from Oberkurzheim near Judenburg to court over the accusations.The […]

Home owners face fines for over-eager snow shovelling

General News

Residents of Vienna and Salzburg are facing fines if being caught clearing snow from the pavement onto the roads, it has been reported.Authorities in the cities confirmed today (Tues) that tenants and privately assigned snow workers will be reported to the police or fined by city council officials on the spot if they throw snow […]