Halloween means pumpkin fun for Viennas elephants

General News

Vienna Schönbrunn zoo will be celebrating Halloween as part of their golden autumn festival running from 20 October to 1 November. On offer for visitors will be the opportunity for kids to build Halloween decorations, organic products will be on sale and special workshops are also being arranged for the kids. In the zoo’s elephant […]

Frost destroys apple blossom

Culinary Guide

The unseasonal frost has destroyed up to 80 percent of the apple blossom in East Tyrol according to local farmers. The temperature dropped in the region to -5 degrees centigrade over the Easter weekend and farmers spokesman Hermann Kuenz who is himself a farmer said: “I’ve been in business 25 years and I’ve never seen […]

Pie-eyed burglars nod off on sofa

General News

Two burglars fell asleep after gorging on apple pie, police in Lower Austria have revealed.The friends, aged 39 and 46, stole 60 Euros from a family home in Hohenberg on Saturday night. They then left for a nearby pub where they spent the cash on cigarettes and beer.At closing time, the crooks decided to return […]