Hackers steal WKO data

General News

The Austrian Economy Chamber (WKO) has become the latest victim of a hacking attack. WKO confirmed yesterday evening (Tues) that its webserver was infiltrated by unidentified cyber criminals. More than 6,000 data sets of customers of the chamber were published on the internet. Most of the records contain information about clients of WKO’s real estate […]

ORF hack attack worse than feared


Hackers nicked significantly more data from a subsidiary of Austrian broadcaster ORF than officials initially admitted, it has emerged. A spokesman for GIS, the ORF’s radio and TV fee agency, announced today (Tues) 214,000 customer data sets were stolen in the attack last week. He added that 96,000 of the data featured clients’ bank account […]

Anonymous Austria ‘backed by army personnel’

General News

The Austrian part of an international network of hackers has claimed it is supported by military officials and civil servants. An unnamed representative of Anonymous Austria said today (Fri): “Pupils, university students and young employees can be found among our members, but also unemployed people, civil servants and members of the army.” Speaking to the […]

Hackers eye up next possible victims


An internationally operating group of hackers who attacked the websites of two Austrian parties may soon strike again in the country. The Austrian department of Anonymous has asked via Twitter: “So who’s next? ÖVP? Grüne BZÖ?” The group invaded the internet representations of the Social Democrats (SPÖ) – who form a coalition with the People’s […]

Hackers attack Austria’s political elite


An internationally operating group of hackers have crashed the websites of two political parties in Austria. The homepage of the Social Democrats (SPÖ) depicted the logo of the group called Anonymous last night (Thurs/Fri). The internet representation of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the page of SPÖ Chancellor Werner Faymann were unavailable as well. Referring […]