Police Nab Porn Star Who Filmed In Local Church

General News

A woman accused of making a porn movie in a local church has been caught after an informant tipped off police that he recognised her by her breasts after an appeal for information. Local priest Bernhard Pauer had raised the alarm after one of his parishioners in the Austrian municipality of Hoersching, in Upper Austria, […]

Internet bullying on the rise


Cyber bullying (bullying on the Internet) is becoming more common among children and teenagers. Some comments or photos are humiliating and offensive and have severe consequences. According to surveys, every fifth student between the age of 14 and 19 has been a victim of cyber bullying. However, the estimated number of unknown cases is even […]

Feigl defends Faymann’s Facebook finances


The chancellor’s social media manager has justified the high costs of his cyber activities. Angelika Feigl said today (Fri) expenses were not just spent on Werner Faymann’s Facebook and Twitter accounts but also on a new homepage and a smartphone app. The Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) leader’s office informed the Freedom Party (FPÖ) earlier this […]

Faymann suffers Facebook fiasco


The office of Social Democratic (SPÖ) chief Werner Faymann is accused of using unfair methods trying to boost the chancellor’s presence on the internet after a mediocre start. The SPÖ boss launched his profile on social networking site Facebook on last month’s Austrian National Day when political observers expected him to speak out on the […]

Ansip unimpressed by Putin’s boycott appeal


Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip has stressed he is not worried about his country’s economic performance despite calls for a boycott of products. The conservative politician told Austrian magazine profil: “I do agree that there is room to improve our political relationship with Russia. However, the economic cooperation is getting better. A tenth of our […]

Police admit Islamic terror threat concerns


Terror experts consider Islamic extremism as the biggest threat to Austria in the medium term despite “vanishingly low” crime figures in this context. Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced she wanted to press on with introducing stricter anti-terror laws over the results of the latest Report on the Protection of the Constitution […]

Paltry interest in internet

General News

Austrians are showing the least interest in going online among all European countries, a survey has shown. Austrian magazine profil reports Austrians surf the internet just 14 hours a month which is half the European average. People living in the Netherlands are at the top with 35.2 monthly internet hours. Britons come second (33.9 hours), […]

Hackers eye up next possible victims


An internationally operating group of hackers who attacked the websites of two Austrian parties may soon strike again in the country. The Austrian department of Anonymous has asked via Twitter: “So who’s next? ÖVP? Grüne BZÖ?” The group invaded the internet representations of the Social Democrats (SPÖ) – who form a coalition with the People’s […]

Hackers attack Austria’s political elite


An internationally operating group of hackers have crashed the websites of two political parties in Austria. The homepage of the Social Democrats (SPÖ) depicted the logo of the group called Anonymous last night (Thurs/Fri). The internet representation of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the page of SPÖ Chancellor Werner Faymann were unavailable as well. Referring […]

IT community denies CIA order

General News

A Viennese internet and research group has rubbished reports it has been “personally assigned” by US President Barack Obama to create a “bug-proof internet” for the CIA. Newspaper Heute claimed earlier this week that an Austrian firm called FunkFeuer agreed to construct the top-level security system for the USA’s national intelligence agency. The free sheet […]