Tribute to the Turkish massacre victims


The Ottoman Army was wiped out in Perchtoldsdorf, district of Mödling (Lower Austria) 330 years ago. Residents have now started an initiative for a new beginning. 16 July 1683 is known as the day of the “Turkish storm” in Perchtoldsdorf. The castle was then razed to the ground by soldiers of the Ottoman army, who […]

Police admit Islamic terror threat concerns


Terror experts consider Islamic extremism as the biggest threat to Austria in the medium term despite “vanishingly low” crime figures in this context. Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced she wanted to press on with introducing stricter anti-terror laws over the results of the latest Report on the Protection of the Constitution […]

Nuclear weapons debate in Vienna next week


A panel discussion about US president Barack Obama’s vision of a world free of nuclear weapons organised by top international organisations will take place in Vienna next week.The Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip) and the United States Mission to International Organizations, both based in Vienna, announced the debate’s high-profile list of participators today (Fri).Glyn […]