Police admit Islamic terror threat concerns


Terror experts consider Islamic extremism as the biggest threat to Austria in the medium term despite “vanishingly low” crime figures in this context. Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced she wanted to press on with introducing stricter anti-terror laws over the results of the latest Report on the Protection of the Constitution […]

FPÖ MP’s son ‘faces Nazi mindset charges’


The son of Freedom Party (FPÖ) MP Barbara Rosenkranz is accused of having shouted “Heil Hitler!” at a group of teenage students.Newspapers report today (Thurs) that a teacher reported 20-year-old Volker Rosenkranz to police for allegedly making the infamous Nazi greeting towards his students outside Vienna City Hall on 24 April. The group were leaving […]

New trial ahead for convicted Holocaust denier Honsik

General News

Infamous Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik is facing another trial after judges slashed his term earlier this year, it emerged today (Fri).Vienna prosecutors said they were considering pressing charges against the Austrian over the content of two of his books which they believe break the country’s strict anti-Nazi laws.Honsik was sentenced to five years in jail […]

Court reduces Holocaust denier’s sentence

General News

Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik has had his prison sentence reduced from five to four years by the Appeals Senate of Vienna’s Higher Regional Court (OLG) yesterday (Mon).Judge Christian Dostal said that the original sentence was “too long.” He added that making an example of Honsik in an attempt to deter others from engaging in the […]

High Court confirms Holocaust denier Honsik’s conviction

General News

The Austrian High Court (OGH) has confirmed Holocaust denier Gerd Honsik’s conviction for spreading Nazi ideology.It emerged today (Tues) that the conviction had been confirmed in a private session several weeks ago.Vienna Appellate Court (OLG) will issue a ruling on 1 March on the question of whether his five-year sentence is long enough, OLG spokesman […]