Hotel says independence will be a benefit


Hotel Burgenland in Eisenstadt is under new management from this year. The famous four-star hotel was formerly part of Austria Hotels Betriebs GmbH for 10 years and has now been sold. The hotel will now be run in its own rights are not as part of the chain, say the management. The director of the […]

Police admit Islamic terror threat concerns


Terror experts consider Islamic extremism as the biggest threat to Austria in the medium term despite “vanishingly low” crime figures in this context. Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced she wanted to press on with introducing stricter anti-terror laws over the results of the latest Report on the Protection of the Constitution […]

Four in 10 kids could be online bullying victims


Up to four out of 10 teens may have experienced bullying on the internet in some way, an expert has warned.University of Vienna project assistant Margarita Köhl said today (Thurs) various recent studies suggest that 20 to 40 per cent of Austrian children and teenagers have made experiences with so-called cyber bullying. Köhl pointed out […]

XXXLutz ‘eyes Croatian properties’


Furniture megastore chain XXXLutz is considering taking over commercial sites in Croatia, according to local press.The Croatian Times reports today (Thurs) that the Upper Austrian firm with headquarters in Wels was one of possible buyers of estate in the cities of Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek and Pula owned by broke firm Pevec.Darko Sketa, who handles the […]