Internet bullying on the rise


Cyber bullying (bullying on the Internet) is becoming more common among children and teenagers. Some comments or photos are humiliating and offensive and have severe consequences. According to surveys, every fifth student between the age of 14 and 19 has been a victim of cyber bullying. However, the estimated number of unknown cases is even […]

Widespread usage of bootleg software


Around one out of four software programmes used in Austria was purchased illegally, an international trade organisation has disclosed.The Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced today (Thurs) that approximately 25 per cent of PC and laptop software Austrians were currently working with were pirate copies. The BSA added that the global share of bootleg software was […]

Pensioner loses over €90,000 in online fraud

General News

An elderly Austrian lost almost 100,000 Euros in an internet scam, it has emerged.Police in Salzburg said today (Mon) that the 77-year-old man got in touch with them yesterday after having transferred more than 90,000 Euros to a bank account.The pensioner told officers that he was promised an undisclosed amount of money in an e-mail […]

Four in 10 kids could be online bullying victims


Up to four out of 10 teens may have experienced bullying on the internet in some way, an expert has warned.University of Vienna project assistant Margarita Köhl said today (Thurs) various recent studies suggest that 20 to 40 per cent of Austrian children and teenagers have made experiences with so-called cyber bullying. Köhl pointed out […]