Kampusch on Facebook, Online Dating and Those Who Escaped Justice

General News

Austrian kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch says she does not have a Facebook account because the social network giant had refused to believe who she was. The 26-year-old has been out of the news lately, admitting that she has been trying to find herself. She said: “It was a deliberate decision to have a quieter life […]

Cold case review and Facebook catch supsected killer

General News

Austrian police used Facebook to help catch a suspected killer after a cold case review revealed that the man they wanted had left the country and was now living in Australia. Student Daniela Kammerer was killed by a knife in a telephone kiosk in an Innsbruck park on 23rd of June 2005. At the time […]

Strache’s Facebook profile blocked


Leader of the right-wing Austria Freedom Party (FPÖ), has had his popular Facebook  page mysteriously blocked – then unblocked. Despite having around 135,000 users ‘likes’ on his page, Heinz-Christian Strache suddenly found that the Zuckerberg-founded social network giant had decided to cancel his page, leaving him unable to read or post updates. Early Monday morning, […]

Internet bullying on the rise


Cyber bullying (bullying on the Internet) is becoming more common among children and teenagers. Some comments or photos are humiliating and offensive and have severe consequences. According to surveys, every fifth student between the age of 14 and 19 has been a victim of cyber bullying. However, the estimated number of unknown cases is even […]

Teen fined for child abuse

General News

A 14-year-old school boy has been found guilty of sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl. The unnamed teenager was given a five month suspended sentence and handed a 1,000 euro fine after publishing naked photos of the youngster on the internet. According to the prosecution, the boy convinced the young girl, who attended the same school, […]

Free end of season skiing at Semmering


Spring may have arrived in force in Vienna but in the mountains winter still rules and skiing is still very much on the agenda. This Easter ski lovers in the capital can not only enjoy skiing at three different locations – there is also the chance to do it for free after the austrian times […]

The first German language Facebook novel in Austrian universities

General News

The first German language Facebook novel in Austrian universities The world’s first German language Facebook-Novel known as “Zwirbler” is now to appear on screens in universities around Austria. Despite interactive novels becoming increasingly popular, in which readers can contribute and alter the plot as they wish, Gergely Teglasy (TG) claims to be the creator of […]

Feigl defends Faymann’s Facebook finances


The chancellor’s social media manager has justified the high costs of his cyber activities. Angelika Feigl said today (Fri) expenses were not just spent on Werner Faymann’s Facebook and Twitter accounts but also on a new homepage and a smartphone app. The Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) leader’s office informed the Freedom Party (FPÖ) earlier this […]

New revelations aggravate fake pro-Faymann mails row


Another leading newspaper has confirmed that it received fake letters to the editor filed from a server run by the Social Democrats (SPÖ). The Kurier, a Vienna-based broadsheet, reports today (Thurs) that at least 393 e-mails signed by nonexistent people were sent to its office in the past two years. The daily disclosed that SPÖ […]

Faymann suffers Facebook fiasco


The office of Social Democratic (SPÖ) chief Werner Faymann is accused of using unfair methods trying to boost the chancellor’s presence on the internet after a mediocre start. The SPÖ boss launched his profile on social networking site Facebook on last month’s Austrian National Day when political observers expected him to speak out on the […]