Josef Fritzl divorces wife as she never visits him

General News

Austrian cellar monster Josef Fritzl has had his revenge on his long suffering wife Rosemarie with the granting of a divorce from her while serving life imprisonment. Rosemarie wanted nothing more to do with him after his terrible crimes against their daughter were exposed – but she wanted to keep his name in order to […]

Afghan demonstration against religious minority murders


Members of the Afghan community in Austria are to take to the streets in order to protest against the systematic murders of the Hazara-Afghans in Pakistan, who thay say are being persecuted because of being Shia Muslims. Not only are they being hunted down by extremist religious groups, but also by individuals connected to the […]

Racial hate crime rate rises

General News

The number of xenophobic felonies is increasing. The federal interior ministry announced yesterday (Tues) that police and prosecutors registered 580 breaches of law with xenophobic, far-right, racist, islamophobic and anti-Semitic background last year, 28 per cent more than in the previous year. The ministry – which is headed by People’s Party (ÖVP) official Johanna Mikl-Leitner […]

Widespread usage of bootleg software


Around one out of four software programmes used in Austria was purchased illegally, an international trade organisation has disclosed.The Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced today (Thurs) that approximately 25 per cent of PC and laptop software Austrians were currently working with were pirate copies. The BSA added that the global share of bootleg software was […]

Bitter outcry over sweet Nazi delicacies

General News

A Lower Austrian confectioner faces legal consequences for offering cakes depicting Nazi era logos.Maria Enzersdorf-based businessman Manfred Klaschka was reported to the police by the Austrian Mauthausen Committee (MKÖ), an organisation focusing on keeping up the memory of the Nazis’ victims.Prosecutors in Wiener Neustadt are expected to press charges under the Austrian anti-Nazi propaganda law […]

Hunt for Hitler salute train passenger

General News

Police are looking for a public transport passenger for making the infamous Nazi salute in a Viennese underground train.The unidentified man wearing a black jacket and a grey bonnet raised his right hand to make the gesture – which is also known as Hitler salute – numerous times on an U2 line U-Bahn train in […]

War crimes suspect nabbed at VIA

General News

A former army general suspected of war crimes in the Bosnian War has been put in custody in Austria.The federal interior ministry announced today (Fri) that Jovan Divjak was arrested at Vienna International Airport (VIA) yesterday evening. The ministry said the 74-year-old was put in custody on the orders of a court in Korneuburg. Judges […]

Indictment on 200 knife thrusts killing presented

General News

State prosecutors have submitted a bill of indictment over a murder in which a student stabbed his ex-girlfriend 200 times.Prosecutors in Vienna said yesterday (Thurs) they will ask judges to detain Philipp K. in an institution for deranged criminals. The 22-year-old is accused of killing his former girlfriend Stefanie P. by stabbing her around 200 […]

Crime-solving rate remains low

General News

Austrian police failed to significantly improve their success rate last year, new figures show.Federal Crime Office (BK) director Franz Lang announced today (Tues) the number of reported crimes declined by 9.4 per cent year on year in 2010 to 535,745 cases. Lang also said police in Austria’s nine provinces managed to solve 41.4 per cent […]

Bowlegs expose bank robber

General News

A bank robber has been sentenced to more than three years in prison after his ex-girlfriend identified him on CCTV footage because of his bowlegs.The woman said in the witness stand at the Provincial Court in Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria, yesterday (Thurs) that she was certain the man caught on camera during an armed […]