Salzburg judge charged for possession of child pornography

General News

Salzburg Juvenile Court Judge, Peter H. appeared in court himself yesterday for possession of child pornography. The 47-year-old has been sentenced to five months behind bars and a 2,250 Euro fine.  Whilst his career as a magistrate is over he will still keep his new position in the Department of Justice. The criminal would only […]

Racial hate crime rate rises

General News

The number of xenophobic felonies is increasing. The federal interior ministry announced yesterday (Tues) that police and prosecutors registered 580 breaches of law with xenophobic, far-right, racist, islamophobic and anti-Semitic background last year, 28 per cent more than in the previous year. The ministry – which is headed by People’s Party (ÖVP) official Johanna Mikl-Leitner […]

Possible U-turn on Austrians in child porn crackdown

General News

Fourteen Austrians whose online activities were supervised by international anti-child pornography investigators may face charges despite not having downloaded any banned material.People’s Party (ÖVP) Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner said today (Fri) she assigned a team of experts to find out whether the men could be charged after Austrian Crime Office (BK) officials explained there were […]