Hunt for Hitler salute train passenger

Police are looking for a public transport passenger for making the infamous Nazi salute in a Viennese underground train.The unidentified man wearing a black jacket and a grey bonnet raised his right hand to make the gesture – which is also known as Hitler salute – numerous times on an U2 line U-Bahn train in the capital on 4 March.Prosecutors and the federal police department for the protection of the constitution and the fight against terrorism decided today (Fri) to publish CCTV footage showing the offender. The man, who is being sought for breaching Austria’s anti-Nazi law, is also accused of verbally abusing other passengers on the train.Officials have appealed to witnesses and people who know the lawbreaker to come forward.Meanwhile, the justice ministry said 741 people were reported for spreading neo-Nazi propaganda or engaging in crimes with a far-right political background last year. The ministry said this was a 39.5 per cent increase compared to 2009.