Book of the dead offers hope to Jewish families


By John Leo-Moberg A book containing the records of people buried in the Jewish cemetery in the Austrian Deutschkreutz community may finally let families know where their ancestors were put to rest. All records were lost after the cemetery was destroyed by the Nazis in the 1940s. But the Jewish cemetery in Deutschkreutz should now […]

Firemen tackle crematorium fire

General News

Firemen were called out to deal with an unplanned blaze in an Austrian crematorium at a cemetery in Graz this week. The blaze was caused when a filter overheated and was difficult to bring under control because of the thick isolation around the filter. The filter was fixed to one of the ovens used to […]

Austria prepares for All Saints Day (Allerheiligentag)


In recent years, glowing orange pumpkin masks and shouts of “trick or treat” have become increasingly popular as Austrians celebrate the 1 November bank holiday. However, when the first autumn fogs creep across Austria in late October and the first leaves start to fall, Halloween is not the traditional Austrian festival for this time of […]

Pet cemetery plans in Vienna


Vienna is to get a pet cemetery, it has been announced.Social Democratic (SPÖ) Councillor Ulli Sima said today (Thurs) that the city’s first burial site for animals will be set up near the Central Cemetery (Zentralfriedhof) in the Simmering district. Sima said residents will be able to hold funeral processions for their deceased pets at […]