Mum And Daughter Struck By Lightning In Pool

General News

A mother and her daughter were hospitalised after they were struck by lightning – in a swimming pool. The couple had decided to go swimming in their pool in the garden of their home in the market town Furnitz in the southern Austrian province of Carinthia. After the 36-year-old mother and her 12-year-old daughter were […]

Four-year-old attacked by Rottweiler

General News

A four-year-old child is in a serious condition in hospital after being attacked by his grandmother’s Rottweiler dog. The attack happened in Ferlach, Carinthia. The child was visiting his 66-year-old grandmother together with his six-year-old sister. The attack happened when the grandmother left the house briefly to let her two Rottweilers out of their kennel […]

Madame Tussauds – Bieber to go and Anne Frank to come


From September 2nd a life-size replica of Anne Frank will be on show at Madame Tussauds located at Vienna’s Prater theme park. The wax work of Justin Bieber is to leave Vienna and move on to an exhibition in Tokio. There is already an Anne Frank figure at the Madame Tussauds in Berlin and Amsterdam. […]

Viennas Baby Elephant Turns Three


One of Schönbrunn Zoo’s biggest visitor attractions Tuluba the elephant turns three on August 6th. To celebrate, Tuluba will be given a birthday party. From 15.00 hours Tuluba will be given a birthday cake and there will be attractions for children. Zoo director Dagmar Schratter said: “Tuluba will be given a surprise hay cake which […]

Investigation against Carinthian media boss

General News

The Carinthian media owner Hansjörg Berger has confirmed he is currently being investigated by the anti-corruption authorities. Part of the money earned from advertising is thought to have flowed back into the accounts of the former freedom party in Carinthia (FPK). He is accused of having transferred money to the party through an advertising agency […]

5,500 new millionaires in Austria


2012 has been a successful year for the wealthy in Austria. The numbers of Austrian millionaires has increased by 5,500 people (10%) to 77,600 people. They own a third of the total private assets. In total, Austrian millionaires own assets of 245 billion Euros. Every Austrian millionaire owns 3.15 million Euros on average. Family Porsche/Piech […]

Beggars face 10 years for fake child cancer collection con

General News

Two Romanian conmen who claimed to be collecting money for critically ill children are facing up to 10 years in jail after they were arrested by police in Austria. Prosecutors say that the pair are part of a professional organised begging gang because they were spotted going from house to house at St. Jakob in […]

Hitler home town mayor fed up with saying sorry for the war


The Mayor of Adolf Hitler’s home says he doesn’t want the building where the dictator was born to be turned into a memorial because the Fuhrer “only lived there for three years anyway”. Mayor Hannes Waidbacher from the conservative People’s party (OVP) said that instead he was keen to see the property that was previously […]

Das Boot shows the way to the hotel


An Austrian hotel has fixed this yacht by artist Erwin Wurm to the roof of ithe building with the front melting so that it points down to the front entrance. Hotel Daniel management in the Austrian capital Vienna refused to say how much they spent for the project which had to get special permission to […]

The Schönbrunn Palm House


The Palm House in the palace park at Schönbrunn in Vienna is the largest of its kind on the European continent. It houses dozens of Mediterranean, tropical and subtropical plants. Emperor Franz Joseph commissioned the construction of the Palm House in 1882. Architect Franz Segenschmid had his hands full: with a length of 111 meters, […]