Austrias bearded lady battles against Armenian Eurovision Rival

General News

A war of words has broken out between Austria’s bearded lady entry for the Eurovision Song Contest and an Armenian singer after he described her as “abnormal” and “unsuitable to take part in the event”. UK comedian Russell Brand had earlier described Conchita Wurst as his double while on a recent visit to the Austrian […]

Final state aid repayment from BAWAG PSK

General News

Austria will receive 350 million EUR owed by bank BAWAG PSK today, in the final repayment of the state aid provided to the lender during the financial crisis. The repayment comes after further capital was provided to BAWAG PSK by shareholders in March. Rumours that owners including investor Cerberus Capital Management are looking to sell […]

Eisenstadt Wine and Culinary Festival Begins today


The ‘Wein- und Genusstage 2013’ begins in the Austrian city of Eisenstadt today (Wednesday). The food and wine specialities festival which takes place in the pedestrian zone in the Burgenland capital offers local and international companies the chance to present their culinary delights. This year there are 47 companies taking part. This year for the […]

Siemens to build Vienna’s “smart city”

General News

Siemens is to start building a “smart city” in Vienna which will be one of the largest urban development projects in Europe. Together they are supposed to explore ways of optimizing resources by integrating interactive communication systems, power grids and building systems. The 38.6 million Euro budget project is due to be located in Aspern, […]

5,500 new millionaires in Austria


2012 has been a successful year for the wealthy in Austria. The numbers of Austrian millionaires has increased by 5,500 people (10%) to 77,600 people. They own a third of the total private assets. In total, Austrian millionaires own assets of 245 billion Euros. Every Austrian millionaire owns 3.15 million Euros on average. Family Porsche/Piech […]

Pröll defends nationalisation of Hypo


Former vice chancellor and finance minister Josef Pröll (ÖVP) defended the emergency nationalisation of the Carinthian bank Hypo Alpe Adria (2009) in the hearing of the Bavarian Landesbank (BayernLB) against the fund Hypo Alpe Adria Mitarbeiter Privatstiftung (MAPS) at the commercial court of Vienna. BayernLB made sales contracts in regards to Hypo shares with MAPS […]

Referendum: the Olympic issue


The referendum “Wien will’s wissen” will take place from 7 to 9 March 2013. Residents from Vienna can answer four questions, including the issue whether Vienna should apply for the Olympics in 2028. Political parties have commented on the topic. Mayor Michael Häupl (SPÖ) stated that the Olympics would animate young people to do sports […]

Mega brothel project to open outside Vienna

General News

Europe’s biggest mega-brothel is set to open in Austria – with 150 hookers servicing more than 1,000 punters a day. Businessman Peter Laskaris – who’s behind the 16 million Euro  scheme – explained: “It’s more than just a brothel. It will be more like a four star hotel with all the usual facilities – but […]

Das Boot shows the way to the hotel


An Austrian hotel has fixed this yacht by artist Erwin Wurm to the roof of ithe building with the front melting so that it points down to the front entrance. Hotel Daniel management in the Austrian capital Vienna refused to say how much they spent for the project which had to get special permission to […]

Cafe Demel in Salzburg to close

Green Austria

The famous Demel cafe in Salzburg is to be closed down. The Hofzuckerbäckerei Demel, or simply Demel as it is usually known, is a famous pastry shop and chocolatier in Vienna, Austria. It was founded in 1786 on the Michaelerplatz. In 1857, August Dehne (the son of the founder Ludwig Dehne) gave the company to […]