Vienna votes against Olympics in 2028


Residents of Vienna have apparently voted against an application of the city for the Olympic games in 2028. This appears to be the trend after the evaluation of the first postal votes of the referendum. The mayor will announce the offical dates today (Tues). The numbers are still not official, but numbers about the result […]

Referendum: the Olympic issue


The referendum “Wien will’s wissen” will take place from 7 to 9 March 2013. Residents from Vienna can answer four questions, including the issue whether Vienna should apply for the Olympics in 2028. Political parties have commented on the topic. Mayor Michael Häupl (SPÖ) stated that the Olympics would animate young people to do sports […]

Sausage row moves to the next stage

Culinary Guide

The European Commission (EC) has confirmed that it has received an official application from Slovenia for official recognition and protected status for the “Krainer Wurst”. That means that other countries that might also want to lay claim to the famous sausage or to dispute the Slovenian claim now have six months to register their objections. […]

Turkish OSCE veto causes a stir


A serious diplomatic rift has erupted between Austria and Turkey.The Turkish government decided at the weekend to veto Ursula Plassnik’s application for the position as secretary-general of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The former Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) foreign minister said earlier this year she wanted to take over from Marc […]

New express passport to cost €220


The new Austrian express passport, ready 24 hours after application, starts on 15 March will cost 220 Euros for adults.People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Maria Fekter said today (Fri) express passports for children younger than 12 would cost 165 Euros, adding that express passports could be obtained at any passport office.The ministry said such quick […]