Referendum: the Olympic issue

The referendum “Wien will’s wissen” will take place from 7 to 9 March 2013. Residents from Vienna can answer four questions, including the issue whether Vienna should apply for the Olympics in 2028. Political parties have commented on the topic.

Mayor Michael Häupl (SPÖ) stated that the Olympics would animate young people to do sports and extend Vienna’s reputation as the capital of culture and music to a capital of sports.

David Ellensohn, the head of the Green Party of Vienna, also advocates the Olympics in 2028 in Vienna. He said that the major event would be a great chance as ninety percent of the money would be invested in infrastructure. The Olympic village could later be used for flats.

The FPÖ remains sceptical towards the Olympic games: Heinz-Christian Strache, head of the party in Vienna, warned that the application alone would cost more than 100 million Euros. He said that there were less visitors in London last year than had been expected.

The ÖVP refused to comment on the issue as there was apparently not enough information in order to decide the application.

A poll, conducted by Makam-Research, showed that 44 percent of 500 participants are in favour of and 36 percent against an application for the Olympic games. Younger people are more likely to vote for it than older people.

In the case that residents vote for an application, the city will need to build new new sports facilities. In the last three Olympic games in Athens (2004), Beijing (2008) and London (2012), the minimum of sports facilities was 30.