Cheap back to school equipment at „carla“

General News

Children from disadvantaged families have the opportunity to get back to school equipment at cheaper prices. At the Vienna Caritas Charity division ‘Carla’ school equipment is being sold at cheaper prices to families with financial difficulties. A recent survey by the Chamber of Labour found that the average cost of back to school equipment including […]

Austrian national library puts 600,000 books online


The project “Austrian Books Online” is a public-private partnership of the Austrian National Library (ÖNB) and Google. 100,000 books without copyright have been digitalised since 2010. The books can now be downloaded, read online and searched free of charge with the help of the online catalogue of the ÖNB. Director General Johanna Rachinger called it […]

Previously unknown Mozart piece discovered

General News

A previously unknown piano piece from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been discovered in Tyrol in Austria. The Mozart Foundation in Salzburg has reported that the piece was recently found in a music book from 1780. According to the “Stiftung Mozarteum”, the music book, which dates back to the 18th century, was found by university lecturer […]

Authors angered by Vienna’s 800,000 book axe


Writers are outraged by news that Vienna’s libraries plan to get rid of hundreds of thousands of books.The IG Autoren, a group of authors, said in an open letter published today (Fri) it feared that the libraries will ban less popular works “which do not match the mainstream of the bestseller literature business.”A spokesman for […]

Many male internet fans shun books, study shows


More than three in 10 men say garnering information online is “more fun” than reading books.Linz-based pollster Market found that 35 per cent enjoy bringing themselves up-to-date on the internet more than reading a book. The agency said those men also said reading the news online was “more fun” than reading books. Only 23 per […]

Teen hides WWII grenade in bedroom

General News

A teenager kept a World War Two grenade in his bedroom for more than a year, it has emerged.Police in Kuchl, Salzburg, said today (Mon) the 16-year-old’s father informed them he had discovered the weapon under piles of clothing and comic books in a wardrobe when cleaning up his son’s messy bedroom on the weekend.The […]

Holocaust denier’s jail term upped

General News

An infamous neo-Nazi has had his prison sentence extended over controversial statements in two books.Gerd Honsik was sentenced to two years in prison by Vienna Criminal Court judge Andreas Böhm yesterday (Fri).The 68-year-old Austrian doubted the existence of gas chambers at Nazi era death camps in his books “Der Juden Drittes Reich” (The Jews’s Third […]

Library to pay for stolen Jewish books

General News

The Austrian National Library said it would pay 135,000 euros (164,000 dollars) for thousands of books in its possession that were taken by the Nazis from Jews during World War II.In a symbolic gesture, library director Johanna Rachinger handed over the books to the Austrian National Fund for the Victims of National Socialism at a […]