Cheap back to school equipment at „carla“

Children from disadvantaged families have the opportunity to get back to school equipment at cheaper prices.

At the Vienna Caritas Charity division ‘Carla’ school equipment is being sold at cheaper prices to families with financial difficulties.

A recent survey by the Chamber of Labour found that the average cost of back to school equipment including books, text books, stationary and a school bag costs 138 Euros.

At „carla” school bags start at 5 Euro, school books and pens start at 10 cents.

Back to school equipment is collected all year round at „carla”.

Caritas spokesperson Martin Gantner said: “We have back to school equipment, which every child needs, we have lots of stationary books and school bags. We even have desks which they can use at home.”

The money collected from the sales of the school products is to be used for Caritas social projects.

The sale starts next Saturday and goes on until September 14th at the two “carla” location in Mittersteig im Margareten and in der Steinheilgasse in Floridsdorf from 09.00 to 18.00.