Suspended jail sentence for slingshot spree

General News

A German has been convicted for firing at houses in Vienna-Hietzing with a slingshot.The 51-year-old was arrested after staff at a doctor’s practice informed police that the man was damaging the building’s facade last September.The weapon he was using was identified as a high-precision slingshot which has to be registered by owners in Austria. The […]

‘Armed’ cowboy kid subdued by police

General News

Police pursued and overpowered a boy ‘armed’ with a toy weapon, it has been revealed.Monika Pinterits, head of the Viennese children’s and teenagers’ attorneyship, said yesterday (Weds) police officers followed the nine-year-old after spotting him marching on a sidewalk, wearing a cowboy hat and carrying what turned out to be a plastic toy rifle. After […]

Lower Austrian man injured trying out illegal gun

General News

A Lower Austrian man faces charges for illegal possession of a weapon after he admitted having injured himself with a gun, it was announced today (Tues).The 33-year-old shot himself in the left hand as he tried out the weapon in an agricultural field near Sollenau on Friday. He drove to a nearby clinic for treatment […]

Teen hides WWII grenade in bedroom

General News

A teenager kept a World War Two grenade in his bedroom for more than a year, it has emerged.Police in Kuchl, Salzburg, said today (Mon) the 16-year-old’s father informed them he had discovered the weapon under piles of clothing and comic books in a wardrobe when cleaning up his son’s messy bedroom on the weekend.The […]