2 weeks to rescue 2,200 dayli jobs

By Rob Hyde

Bankrupt cosmetic store chain, dayli, has just 2 weeks to secure an investor, or all 2,200 jobs will be lost.

Assets administrator Rudolf Mitterlehner has already registered all remaining dayli workers as provisionally laid off with the Austrian job centre (AMS), in case an investor to bail out the company cannot be secured.

Should such an investor emerge, it would have to be prepared to inject around 40 million Euros into the ill-fated firm each day.

Mitterlehner said: “I guess that there is still the chance of success. It is not impossible.”

By mid-July around 1,261 workers had already lost their jobs. If those that are left within the company are also laid off, this will mean the company has made almost 3,500 people unemployed.

The company is already planning a giant 40 per cent sale on all items in order to salvage some of its colossal losses.

Meanwhile Wels state prosecution is continuing to investigate whether the million Euros in cash which dayli’s manager, Rudolf Haberleitner, claims was stolen from him in Itayl, was in fact a huge set-up-

Mr Haberleitner claimed he brought a million Euros in cash to Udine, north-eastern Italy where it was stolen from him.

A report from the Lower Austria’s criminal investigation department (LKA), however, caused the prosecution office in Wels to open an inquiry.