Drive In Doc At Petrol Station To Cut Waiting Times


An Austrian doctor is claiming to have created the first drive-in doctors surgery – at a petrol station. Visitors who turn up for treatment can spend the waiting time filling up their cars, putting them in the washer or shopping in the petrol station supermarket while they wait to be called by Dr Dieter Zakel, […]

Expert against the idea of a medical Uni in Linz


The health economist Ernest Pichlbauer does not advocate the creation of a medical faculty at the University of Linz. He said that a fourth medical training centre was not necessary and it was a project purely for prestige. Mr Pichlbauer explained that the problem is that the trained medical doctors would move away from Austria […]

Little hope for recovery of Prince Friso six months after avalanche

General News

The condition of Dutch Prince Johan Friso who has been in a coma for six months since he was struck by an avalanche whilst skiing in the Austrian resort of Lech remains unchanged and there is little hope of an improvement in his condition doctors say. According to Dutch doctors the six month point is […]

Brain transplant appeal over AKH budget freeze


A legendary theatre actor has suggested politicians should “have their brains transplanted” at Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH) after medical staff presented plans to reduce night and weekend services. The AKH’s works council and the Austrian Doctors’ Chamber said on Monday just 154 doctors would be at work at the hospital during the night and at […]

Fewer AKH docs on night duty from next year


The number of doctors on night duty at Austria’s largest clinics is set to shrink, it has emerged. The works council of Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH) announced yesterday (Mon) that 145 doctors would be at work at night and at weekends from February 2012, down from 172 at the moment. The doctors’ representation explained it […]

Karajan’s life was in danger

General News

The wife of late conductor Herbert von Karajan is over the worst after a serious illness, doctors in Salzburg said today (Fri). Officials at the city’s Barmherzige Brüder Clinic announced Eliette von Karajan is out of danger of life after three weeks in intensive care. The 72-year-old suffered from blood poisoning and organ failure. Medics […]

Homeless man dead after attempted arrest

General News

A female police officer accidentally killed a homeless man by shoving him down a flight of stairs. On Monday night, workers of the charity DOWAS for homeless people in Bregenz, Vorarlberg called the police after trying to eject a drunk homeless woman from the charity’s emergency night shelter, DOWAS boss Michael Dittrich said. When the […]

Rejected trio stab bouncer

General News

A 22-year-old man is fighting for his life after he was stabbed by rioters at the weekend. The trio attacked the doorman with their knifes after he threw them out of a night club in Vienna’s Donaustadt district on Saturday night. His condition is serious, according to doctors. Three other people were also injured when […]

Most Viennese docs fear burnout

General News

A majority of Viennese doctors consider themselves under risk of suffering from burnout, a study has shown. The Austrian Medical Council and organisation ARGE Burnout asked medics to participate in an online poll. More than 6,200 doctors across Austria took part in the poll. Nearly 1,200 of them work in Vienna. The results show that […]

Toothpick removed from foot after 10 years

General News

Doctors at a hospital in Vorarlberg are accused of suggesting a young woman was mad – before realising they missed a toothpick that had been stuck in her foot for years.The 26-year-old consulted doctors at the clinic in Feldkirch several times to ask for help regarding the agonising pains in her right foot. Doctors decided […]