Jihad Girls Gunpoint Retraction Of Desire To Go Home

General News

Austrian anti-terrorism police believe that an interview given to a French magazine allegedly with one of the two teenage girls who fled to Syria to join in the jihad was probably carried out at gunpoint. Earlier in the month based on conversations the girls had with parents and friends it was revealed that they regretted […]

Rathgeber says she is scapegoat for financial losses


The former head of the budget department in Salzburg Monika Rathgeber said in an interview with the magazine “Profil” that everyone was blaming her for the financial scandal. In the interview, Monika Rathgeber gives her detailed view on the charges against her, reported the Austria Press Agency (APA). Apparently, there were neither secret deals nor […]

Stronach tops up party funds as Wolf rules out a role


Austrian Canadian businessman Frank Stronach has invested another 1,000,000 euros in his political party which he founded recently to fight in the next election in Austria. According to a new law from the first of July any donations over 50,000 euros need to be registered with the Federal auditors. That means also any donations made […]

Beckham leaves after salad snub


Victoria Beckham stormed out of a restaurant after her special request fell on deaf ears. Elisabeth Sereda, the Hollywood correspondents of Austrian showbiz magazine Live, revealed that the ex-Spice Girl and her entourage stood up and left after a waiter denied her wish for a salad as offered in the menu but without onions. Sereda […]

Turkish ambassador to keep post


The Turkish ambassador in Vienna will not be removed from office – despite stressing he would relocate the United Nations (UN) from Vienna were he leader of the international organisation.Turkish newspapers reported today (Fri) that the country’s government had no plans to dismiss Ambassador Kadri Ecvet Tezcan. The 61-year-old took over as Turkish ambassador in […]

Fritzl interviewer reported to police by ministry

General News

A lawyer and a journalist have been reported for “unauthorised communication with a prisoner” after the publication of an interview with incest dad Josef Fritzl.A reporter from German newspaper Bild spoke to the 75-year-old at Stein prison in Krems, Lower Austria, last week. The conversation has been quoted by newspapers all over the world after […]

Fritzl interview ‘will have consequences’

General News

German reporters may face legal charges in Austria for interviewing incest beast Josef Fritzl, it has emerged.The Austrian justice ministry announced today (Weds) that reporters from the German daily newspaper Bild were suspected of having lied to prison officials to get an interview with the 75-year-old pervert.The ministry said the journalists may have cooperated with […]