Stronach tops up party funds as Wolf rules out a role


Austrian Canadian businessman Frank Stronach has invested another 1,000,000 euros in his political party which he founded recently to fight in the next election in Austria. According to a new law from the first of July any donations over 50,000 euros need to be registered with the Federal auditors. That means also any donations made […]

Coalition accelerates anti-corruption ambitions


The government is intensifying its attempts to pass a transparency package in parliament. The Social Democrats (SPÖ) and their coalition partner, the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP), arranged meetings with representatives of the parliament’s three opposition factions to debate details about the planned amendment. The law is set to create stricter rules regarding the subsidisation of […]

More charity organisations to benefit from tax law


The Austrian government has decided to expand a programme making donations to charity organisations tax-deductible.The federal coalition – formed by the Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the People’s Party (ÖVP) – announced today (Mon) the model will also consider money given to organisations which run animal shelters, voluntary fire brigades and natural protection groups.The decree, which […]

Catholic charity opted for real estate shares


A tradition-rich charity has invested hundreds of thousands of Euros into risky real estate shares.The Catholic diocese of Linz spent 400,000 Euros of donations in a long-term real estate stock market deal in 2005, magazine profil reveals in its new edition. The money was generated by the Church’s traditional Dreikönigsaktion Sternsinger carol singers initiative in […]