Rathgeber says she is scapegoat for financial losses

The former head of the budget department in Salzburg Monika Rathgeber said in an interview with the magazine “Profil” that everyone was blaming her for the financial scandal.

In the interview, Monika Rathgeber gives her detailed view on the charges against her, reported the Austria Press Agency (APA). Apparently, there were neither secret deals nor secret accounts.

Ms Rathgeber stated that all documents had come to the desk of the head of the department privy councilor Paulus. “He always signed it and passed it on for editing”, she said.

Apparently, she changed the minutes of the finance committee with Mr Paulus’ approval. She saved them on the network drive, which everyone could open.

Ms Rathgeber denied the charges that she had faked her colleague’s signature for deals. Deals were completed on the phone and confirmed electronically. She said that she only copied the signature of her colleague into the documentation, which he apparently knew.

Losses only occurred due to the panicky cancellation of the deals by her successor. “If there is damage, everyone will blame me for it”, Ms Rathgeber said.

According to Ms Rathgeber, the state of Salzburg made profits of 80 million Euros thanks to her assessments.